Through His Eyes

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Hitoshi's POV

The last few days have been okay, but weird. It started with my class picking me as the class rep. They haven't been as unbearable as I first thought they were actually tolerable. Then that same day during lunch we were evacuated which some nearby third years had said never happened before. Later only to be told it was just the press had broken onto campus.

I was walking home with (Y/n) like usual I couldn't help but still feel jealous that she was in the hero course without me. We were supposed to be in this together... but I'm happy for her. I'd also heard from a student in my class that the sports festival would be soon, so I could be promoted soon... I peered over at her she seemed lost in thought staring at the ground.

"(Y/n)?" I poked her cheek.

"Huh?" She looked up surprised. "What's up Hitoshi?"

"I could ask you the same thing, what were you thinking about?" I asked.

"Oh, just thinking about earlier I know they said it was just the press but do you really think they'd do that they know how protective U.A. is," She said.

"You're thinking too much into the teachers would have said if it wasn't just the press," I tried to reason with her.

"You might be right... Oh yeah! Do you mind if I eat with Mina and them tomorrow?" She asked.

"I don't own you," I pointed out.

"Yeah, but I want to make sure you won't be lonely tomorrow," She gave one of her cute pouts.

"I'll be fine," I reassured her.

The next day was just as mundane as all the previous. I looked out the window near my seat and saw (Y/n) and her class outside in their hero costumes about to board a bus. I had felt my phone vibrate earlier so I made a note to remember to check it during the break.

Class dragged on for what seemed to be ages until our break. We had ten minutes until our teacher would return so I quickly pulled out my phone. 'Hey, our training is off campus might be late. Love you.' was her text I put my phone away after a quick reply. I turned to look out the window and I saw someone in a hero costume running on campus, he looked like someone from 1-A, why is he here without the others? I tried not to think about it maybe they just forgot something until an announcement came saying all classes were to leave campus and to go straight home... What's going on?

A few teachers were making sure everyone left campus and were restating we were to go home and not make any stops. I texted (Y/n) a few more times but she didn't respond for a long time, she might have left her phone in her locker. I just need to go home and wait.

I started to walk home from the station when I finally got a text.

'Hey, we're back at school, heading home now'

'Do you know why we were evacuated?' I asked her I know it was her class. I didn't get any more messages for the rest of the walk home. I saw both my parents waiting outside. When they saw me they sighed in relief which was strange. Everything has been strange today.

"The school called and said they sent everyone home early and that you guys would have off tomorrow," My mom explained.

"What happened?"

"We're not sure yet, but I'm sure we will know soon, Did (Y/n) make it home okay?" My dad asked.
"Her class wasn't on campus when we were sent home,"

"Well, we can call later and make sure nothing happened," my mom suggested and we went into the house. I went up to my room to study I still hadn't gotten a text... Is this how I made her feel when I wouldn't respond? But she hasn't even read my texts so maybe she still hasn't checked her phone... but that's not her. If she doesn't text me tonight I'll go to her house tomorrow.

The next morning she still hadn't texted me. I walked down to see my parents watching the news. Though my foggy mind I was able to catch a few words such as U.A. Hero course attacked, my eyes snapped open and it showed a glance of her.

They were attacked! She didn't tell me! I need to see her now. I hurriedly threw on shoes before running out ignoring my parents.
I ran to her house as quickly as possible, I knocked on their door where her grandpa answered he told me she was in her room. I put my shoes down and ran to her room. She was sitting at her desk.

"So were you going to tell me?" I asked. I was angry but more worried. 

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