Chapter 1

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I picked at the package wrapped in newspaper as I listened to my father's deep chuckle erupt through our small, forest green kitchen.

I smiled absent mindedly at my uncle's joke. All I could focus on was the small unopened present in my lap, it seemed to be teasing me. I pictured it with a mouth calling my name.

"It's really got a hold on you, doesn't it, pumpkin. " my dad smiled. Sitting across from me at our dark kitchen table.

I laughed "I suppose so."

"Well get to it then." He crossed his arms.

I smiled, starting at the obituaries. I ripped until I saw leather. I picked up the brown book in front of me rubbing my fingers along the stitching.

"It's beautiful." I cried jumping out of my chair clutching it to my chest, they laughed at me.

"Thank you so much daddy I love it with all my heart." I chirped smiling up at him not wanting to let go of my new treasure. He smiled and grabbed my upper arms.

"Don't ever stop that smile, it could save someone's day." He hummed.

He pulled me in, engulfing me in one of his signature bear hugs. I snuggled in to the warmth.

"So what's the first thing you're going to write in it?" My uncle asked breaking our hug.

I thought for a moment teeter tottering back and forth on my toes and heels, my eyes widened with realization when I decided what I'd write. I padded across the chestnut flooring towards our junk drawers in the bar.

I dug through the kitchen drawers, looking for a pen, until I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned looking up to uncle Jackie handing a beautiful sleek ink pen. I smiled taking it from him.

I sat down at the bar flipping my journal open to the first page. I wetted the end of the silver pen with the tip of my tongue and gently started writing.

'Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.'

I looked at the fresh black ink on the paper proudly, my uncle leaned over me reading it.

"Did you write that?" He asked astonished, I laughed.

"No, I wish." I started handing back the pen that I have to say, I would miss rather much.

He shook his head "Keep it, you write better than I do. " he smiled.

I mirrored his smile pulling the pen to my chest "Thank you." He nodded a welcome to me.

"So where's that from?" My dad questioned.

"A Midsummer Night's Dream - Act 1, Scene 1" I replied "My favorite quote from Shakespeare." I hummed, he gave me a soft smile.

"It's how I want to love and want to be loved with the mind and heart instead of looks or lusts" I confessed.

"And so you shall pumpkin, so you shall."


I meditated on my memory as I waited for the curly headed lady to hand me my ticket information.

"Yes ma'am here you are it finally came through. " she smiled.

I think she had more teeth than a shark.

I gave a small smile nodding my head, she handed my ticket and passport over.

"There you go and thanks for flying American Airlines." She smiled again showing all sixty-two teeth.

I waved a thank you and made my way through the security check. I know a lot of people say they hate those but it really doesn't bother me much, it reminds me I get to go somewhere else.

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