I really hope it is.

Please, please work.

"Why do you look so excited?" John asked.

"Can't I always look excited?"

"Well, some people do, but definitely not you."

Woah there, John.

I guess that's true, though.

"OK, I just remembered we should probably go to the infirmary, to see if there's an update on what will give me my ability back." I say.

John's eyes light up for a split second, before replying. "Let's go. Now, before anyone else can beat us to it."

I reluctantly follow him, excited for the results.

We reach the infirmary, and I open the door and walk in. I look around, relieved to see no one's in there.

"Hey Doc, any update on the injection that'll get me my ability back?"

I'm met with Doc's usual grumpy stare, but he does answer. "Yes, actually."

"That was rather quick." I say.

It's a good thing, though.

"It's completely safe, and it should work. The hospital claims they haven't seen anything like this in a long time, or it might've been the first time. We made sure it would be ready as quick as possible, so you could participate in the Turf Wars with your ability."

Wow, thanks Doc.

"It'll be just like a shot. It'll be quick."

Ok, you've done this before. Shots are nothing. I've been through worse pain.

I look over at John, who just smiles at me.

I feel the needle barely touching my skin, and in a heartbeat I see gauze being wiped over the spot.

That was quicker than I remember.

My eyes flash to the clock on the wall.

Wait a moment!

I walk over to the clock.

It's currently 7:42.

I attempt to activate my ability and change the time.

I feel my eyes glow.


Although I was slightly expecting this, I still am a bit shocked.

"It works!"

I beam with excitement.


I've waited so long for this.

I guess that was karma.

I was ignoring others around me, using my power for selfish things.

Now, I got a taste of what it's like to be a cripple.


"KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN!" Doc yells, walking back to his desk.

And he's back.

"Great to know it worked." He says.

Wow, mood swings much?

"Come on , let's go." John says.

I nod my head in agreement.

"Thanks, Doc!" I say, opening the door.

"It's just my job. Literally." He replied back.

I shut the door and look at John.

"I can't believe it worked!" I say.

I look down at my hands.

"Do you want to go on the roof?"

"I don't have a phone, remember? It's completely smashed, useless. It was also left at that abandoned house." I notice John's expression turn into anger for a split second. "It'll just be me watching you play." I say, pausing. "What about we go to Kovoro Mall so I can buy a new phone?" I suggest.

John thinks about it for a moment before replying. "It sounds like a good idea, but won't it look a bit weird seeing two teens in school uniform at the mall? On a school day, at 8? Won't they suspect something?"

"Ehh, come on, we're high-tiers. They won't get rid of us this easily." I see John's face turn into disgust, as if he's remembering something.

Oh, right.

"You do have a point there. I guess we can just go later." I say.

"But why me? Do I have to go?" John pouts, attempting to avoid another trip to the mall. "Why didn't you just buy a phone yesterday?"

"Well, somebody who was with me forgot to remind me." I say.

"Nobody told me to remind you. That's on you." John says.

He does have a point there.

Oh, well.

He's coming anyway.

Author's Note
Here's another chapter, earlier than usual to make up for the previous lack of updates! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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