Meeting Their Parents - 27.

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Jack: pete doesn't like you, he thinks you're only going to distract jack from the original plan. jack gets angry and they start yelling and you calm jack down as you guys leave.

Alyssa: her parents are hesitant as they didn't realize her sexuality, but they eventually are relaxed and they love you!

Randall: his parents love you, they think you're perfect for him. when you step away they tell him to never let you go because you help him. you make him better, whether he realizes it or not

Hamish: hamish's parents wish that hamish was dating someone who had more money, but he loves you regardless and that won't ever change. he says to try and ignore them.

Lilith: her grandma and mom are happy that lilith found someone. they make you guys a big dinner, and whenever you need anything they are always there with open arms

Amir: his parents love you! they think you're adorable and love you two together. you go over to there house every weekend for movie nights

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