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Hey.  I'm sorry.  I'm home and I'm fine.  I'll see you guys when you get home.

Zac let out a frustrated sigh as he shut his phone closed, forecefully.

"What's wrong with you?" Isaac asked as he walked up behind his brother and sat in the chair across from him.

"Really?" Zac asked, annoyed.  He looked at Isaac who sat quietly, sipping his coffee.  They were waiting for their van to pick them up from their hotel to take them to the airport.  "I finally heard from Kayla," Zac finally answered.

Isaac raised his eyebrows, "And?" he asked as he set his cup on the table between them. "What did she say?"

"She's home," Zac answered.  Isaac waited a few moments before concluding there were no more parts to Zac's response.

"Well, at least she made it safely, right?" 

"Yeah, I guess," was all Zac could reply.

They sat in silence for a few moments before a staff member from the front desk walked over to inform them the van was there.

"So," Isaac began once they'd settled into the backseat and had began driving towards the airport, "What are you gonna do?"

"What do you mean, what am I going to do?  I'm going to have a baby, apparently," Zac replied, frustrated.  He hadn't really spoken to anyone since the wedding.  Walker had informed his siblings to leave him alone for the time being.  He knew Zac had a million thoughts racing through his brain.  

"I know that," Isaac replied, "But I mean, about Kayla? And Kate?  Have you given that situation any thought?"

"What about Kate?" Zac defended, "Things between she and I are over.  We broke up months ago.  She claims it was a break.  Whatever it is, or was, it's done now.  I don't think it would be very appropriate to try to work things out with her right now, even if that was what I wanted, anyway."

"Well, do you?" Isaac asked.

"Do I what?" Zac retorted.

"Want to work things out with Kate? I mean, we all know Kayla, and if you stay with her just because she's pregnant, you know it's not going to end well."

"What do you mean just because she's pregnant?  She's going to have my baby, Ike.  What kind of a fucking jerk would I be to try to reconcile with the ex girlfriend that I've been cheating on with Kayla, this entire time, now that I know she's pregnant?"  Zac was fuming.  He couldn't fathom whatever logic his brother was trying to convey.

"I'm not saying that, Zac," Isaac defended, "All I'm saying is... okay forget about Kate.  Do you think Kayla is going to be okay being with you after what she heard what you said to Kate at the wedding?"

Zac remained quiet.  He knew Isaac was right.  He knew Kayla was mad at him, but he wasn't thrilled with her either.  He knew whatever conversation they ended up having, wasn't necessarily going to be a walk in the park.  He opted to remain quiet for the rest of their drive, and Isaac didn't push any further.  He wasn't sure what he and Zac would be walking into once they arrived home, but he knew it was going to be tough for all parties involved.  He said a silent prayer for God to allow him to be whatever Kayla and Zac would need him to be.


Kayla felt her body shaking, slightly, followed by a voice calling her name.  She kept her eyes closed, willing whomever it was to leave her alone.  A few moments later, she felt the shaking again.

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