It seemed like her tactic had worked. Footsteps emerged from behind a corner.

"Where are they?" Tenn. You felt like shouting at him to not trust her, to get away from her, but doing that would reveal your hiding spot.

Suddenly an explosion was heard, and it created a commotion. Mitch's plan had worked.

This was your chance. You started throwing rocks at the raiders, and those of you who had a bow shot at them.

Tenn was still laying on the ground after the explosion, and the raider woman, Lilly, had now risen back up to her feet. Mitch charged towards her in order to protect Tenn, but she was too quick for him. He ran straight into her blade.

Damn Mitch. Always acting on impulse, the bastard. No one was supposed to die tonight. You fought angry tears. You needed to focus right now, but seeing the dead body of a friend in front of you made that hard.

"Mitch! Mitch! No!" You could hear Willy scream.

"Kill who you have to! Take the rest!" Lilly commanded, and the raiders started shooting straight at the dorms where you stood. You quickly went back to hiding behind the brick wall, barely escaping the bullets.

"Now! Go back!" Clementine shouted at you after shooting one of the raiders in the leg with Marlon's bow.

You ran into the admin building as according to the plan. You looked behind you, but Louis and Violet both stayed in the courtyard, trying to fight off the raiders that weren't ordered to follow you into the building.

You sprinted up the stairs, and Clementine successfully set off Aasim's brick trap. Then she pushed the couch that AJ had been laying on when he was shot down the stairs and trapped one of the raiders against the wall.

The last raider, who was missing an arm, threw another one of those Molotov cocktails up to the second floor and it caused a fire to break out. AJ and Clementine went into the headmaster's office, Willy and Aasim ran to the left wing corridor while you went alone to the right.

You could feel the heat from the fire behind you, and the smoke started rising towards the ceiling. You had learned what to do in case of fire, and crouched down to the floor as you ran.

You hurriedly searched for somewhere to hide, and settled for one of the old classrooms. You closed the door and hid behind the teacher's desk. You could hear screams from the room next door. Screams from outside. Screams from the corridor.

You covered your ears for a few minutes and mustered up your courage. You had to go out there and protect your friends. You fought the urge to just stay hidden behind the desk until everything had played out. You thought of Louis. What if he needed you right now?

You ran through the smokefilled second floor and down the grand staircase, making your way out into the courtyard.

Where was Louis?

Violet was struggling. Clementine shot the raider that was trying to capture her in the shoulder, but Lilly grabbed Violet from behind and pulled her right into one of the carts.

"Violet!" You heard Clementine's heartbroken scream.

Then you saw Louis.

He was trying to fight off one of the raiders, but she wrestled him down to the ground.

Without even thinking you charged straight towards the raider from behind, knife in hand, and sunk it right into her upper arm.

She shrieked in pain as you pulled the knife out, and she let go of her grip on Louis.

"We cut our losses!" Lilly shouted. "Fall back! Pull in and fall back!"

They all escaped out from the gates. Lilly stopped to take a good look on the devastation they had caused before disappearing into the night.

Now the walkers started pouring in. Some of them were even on fire. Clementine shot them with her bow, and the rest of you stabbed those you could.

It wasn't until all the walkers were dealt with that you could finally breathe again.

The damage that had been done was unbelieveable.

Mitch was dead.

Aasim. Omar. Violet. They were all gone. Taken.

You frantically looked around you, until your eyes fell upon the tall, freckled boy. A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you ran right into his arms.

"Thank you."


Did I just write that? Yes I just wrote that.

Anyways, thank you so much for reading this chapter!

And also,,, I've played through the game twice, both times centred around Louis, but now I'm gonna do a Violet playthru yeet

First written April 1st 2019
Edited August 9th 2021

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