"There's A Light" - Glee

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The four brothers looked around at the new planet they now stood on. Luther grabbed the man that laid as Klaus and Diego looked towards the tall hotel that stood a few yards ahead of them. This hotel was not a fun vacation spot but the prison their father had built for all the worst criminals. A place that they could lock them away and never worry about their evil powers returning to earth. Five rolled his eyes at his brothers' stairs being used to the prison their father had built. The four walked towards the hotel in silence as they all recalled the countless criminals their father had locked up in the hotel walls. As they entered the lobby, a young man sat at the front desk with a warm smile ready to greet them.

"The Hargreeves boys! How wonderful it is to see you!" The man cheered. He was another one of Sir Hargreeves inventions, much like Grace this man would never die and was programmed to keep the villains locked up.

"Hello, Kevin," Luther said effortlessly as he adjusted the man on his shoulder. Klaus, Five, and Diego hummed hello as well but Kevin was already fixated on the newest prisoner.

"A new villain, your father would be very proud." The forever young man beamed. Klaus laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Where should we take him?" Diego asked wanting nothing more than to leave the hotel.

"Thirty-fourth floor, room twenty-seven." Kevin said as his fingers flew over the keyboard of an ancient computer.

"Thank you." Five said as he and Klaus already started to walk towards the elevator. Luther adjusted the man yet again on his shoulder.

"His name is Doctor Terminal." He said before he and Diego walked away to join their brothers in the metal box, already knowing that Kevin would be asking for his paperwork. Before he could respond the two metal doors slide close and the four conscious men looked at one another. Diego rolled his eyes and bravely reached out to hit the button with the number thirty-four barely visible. The elevator suddenly jolted and then began to fly up the stories. The men could hear the wind rushing by the box and as they grew higher their ears began to pop. They reached the floor within seconds, the metal doors sliding open with a sound worse than nails against a chalkboard. Groaning all the men stepped out of the elevator and walked down the hall. Yells, roars, and cries drifted down the hall with them as arm, tentacles, and claws reached out to grab hold of them. Finally, they reached room twenty-seven finding the door open, Luther tossed the doctor into the room before slamming the door close.

"Some's angry," Klaus mumbled under his breath.

"Can we leave now," Diego growled over his brother's teasing. Luther ignored Klaus comment and nodded to Diego.

"Hopefully Ben and the Girls didn't leave without us," Luther said as he led the way down the hall.

"They probably did." Five called from the back of the single file the men had to form in order to walk down the hall.


"Allison are you alright?" Vanya's voice was soaked in concern as she watched her sister look through piles of boxes, suitcase, and bags to find her belongings.

"Hungry, a little shaken. Yes, I'm fine." She said stopping her search to smile up at her sisters.

"What did he do to you?" Charlotte asked equally concerned.

"Nothing actually. He locked me up for a few days but he was waiting to start some sort of matter test of me till I was too weak to fight back." She explained. It may have only been a few days but Allison truly looked thinner and her skin wasn't as bright.

"We'll have Grace make a huge meal when we get back," Vanya said with a small smile. Allison chuckled and nodded.

"There it is." She said happily as she tugged at a decent sized black briefcase.

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