Saturday Night - Bay City Rollers

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Klaus and Charlotte ran through the alleys of the city avoiding sirens and flashing lights. Together they hopped over trash cans and ran through puddles until they finally made it to the bowling alley.

"This is the safe place Luther told everyone to go to?" Charlotte asked confused looking at the poorly kept bowling alley.

"We used to come here as kids, it was one of the only places outside of the academy we were allowed to go to," Klaus explained as they walked towards the building. The pair walked in seeing Diego already in the building renting a pair of shoes. Klaus and Charlotte went to the counter and did the same, Five was next to arrive and then Luther and Allison. They sat at their lane in silence glancing around at one another.

"Look I hate to be the one to say this but we need to prepare for the worse," Luther spoke up as the team leader.

"For what?" Diego barked back.

"To do whatever it takes to stop Vanya." Luther continued. Allison slapped him with her notepad looking frustrated at the man. "Look, we may not have a choice!" He said defending himself.

"Bullshit, there are always options," Diego said calmly.

"Like what?" Five challenged siding with Luther. Klaus picked up a nearby paper not wanting to listen to his family talking about whether or not to kill Vanya.

"Look whatever we decide, we need to find Vanya and fast," Luther said standing up. "She could be anywhere."

"Or here," Klaus said shaking the paper slightly, Charlotte looked over his shoulder to say the ad for her orchestra tonight. "Look at this." He said moving in the middle of the lane so the whole group could see the ad.

"Hello," A female voice called from behind them. "My manager says that if you're not gonna bowl you have to leave." She said simply before turning and walking away. Charlotte rolled her eyes and grabbed a ball tossing it down the lane knocking out all the pins as she turned at stared at the old man behind the counter.

"Hey, guys maybe I could help," Klaus called into the group as Charlotte walked back over.

"Now is not the time," Luther said dismissing him.

"Let him finish," Diego said demandingly standing up for his brother. "He saved my life today." He fished softer.

"Is that true?" Luther asked looking to Klaus.

"Yes, I did take credit for it. But the real hero was Ben." Klaus explained motioning to the empty space beside him. "Earlier today he punched me in the face, and at the house, he's the one who saved Diego," Klaus said stressing to his siblings.

"You are unbelievable Klaus." Luther said almost offended. Charlotte furrowed her brows at the large man.

"What do you want proof?" Klaus asked picking up a bowling ball. He threw the ball but it just flew right through the air crashing loudly on the floor.

"Is there any way to silence that voice in your head that screams out to be the center of attention," Luther said extremely annoyed.

"You know I liked you a lot better before you got laid." Klaus pushed back and Luther's eyes grew wide. Luther ran after Allison who stormed away at the news as a plump woman and her son came over.

"Excuse me would you like to join us for Kenny's birthday. As long as it's okay with your parents." She said motioning to Diego and Charlotte who were sitting next to one another.

"I would rather chew off my own foot." Five said back sharply before his attention was caught by something else. Charlotte got up sitting on the opposite bench crossing her arms. As Five walked away Charlotte touched her cheeks.

"I don't look that old do I?" She questioned to the two, Diego rolled his eyes and Klaus shook his head no. Klaus came over to sit next to her throwing his arm around her shoulders.

"We don't have time for all this drama," Diego remarked as he got up to throw a bowling ball down the lane so the group wouldn't get in trouble. Within a few minutes, Luther and Allison came back in, that's when Diego noticed that Five had disappeared again.

"Alright, where's Five?" Luther asked looking over everyone.

"He left," Diego said uninterested.

"Oh Christ, where did he go?" He asked looking to Diego.

"He didn't say." He said simply.

"We can't wait around for him the concert starts in thirty minutes," Charlotte said reading over the paper.

"So what's the plan?" Diego asked Luther.

"Well, I think that, um-" He mumbled pausing to think. "We go to the Icarus Theater," Luther said finally.

"That's a location. Not a plan." Diego said once again unamused. "What is the all you got?" Diego questioned walking closer to his brother. "Look, you wanna be Number One? Fine. But you're gonna have to get us on the same page because right now we're all over the place." Diego whispered to his brother.

"You're right. We need a plan." Luther said thinking things through.

"Get down!" Charlotte yelled seeing the men in masks. As she said it gunfire rang through the bowling alley.

"Who the hell are these guys?" Diego yelled out.

"Maybe they're here for Kenny's birthday!" Klaus yelled back as he covered his ears. Charlotte laughed at his joke before looking for a way out.

"No, pretty sure they're here for us," Luther yelled back as the gunshots kept going.

"We can't fight them there's too many." She yelled to the group as she peeked over the counter. 

Diego stood up throwing a knife hitting one of the gunmen but his body fell into the lights and music. Suddenly the room was dark and a song started blaring over the speakers. Luther stood up throwing bowling balls knocking some of the men out. As Klaus threw a cake at of the men Allison tugged on Charlotte's sleeve pointing to the lanes.

"The lanes, let's go!" Luther yelled and the five of them ran towards the lanes, down the sleek wood and through where the pins fall. Running through the back, the group was soon out of the building and on the run for the second time that night. 

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