Danger Zone - Kenny Loggins

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January 5, 2007

Klaus stood in the rain looking at the large mansion that was once his home. It had only been a few weeks since he had left. Diego had been quick to find him and try to drag him back but Klaus was persistent and Diego eventually gave up trying to drag his brother back to the Academy, but now Klaus had come back willingly. He stood across the street in a large black coat as a large black umbrella hid him from the downpour, waiting for a car to pass before he walked across the street and into the alley.

As the years had gone by Klaus was able to learn how to use his power unlike anything he had ever dreamed, he was now able to levitate things and himself. Which he did so in that alley to raise up to his sibling's window. He tapped lightly on the glass catching their attention, the figure jumped from their bed and threw open the window.

"Klaus?" His sibling asked in shock. Klaus was quick to shush them and climb in through the window.

"Five, be quiet or you may wake everyone up!" Klaus whisper yelled at his brother.

"Where the hell have you been?" Five now asked in a hushed tone.

"I need you to check the future for me," Klaus said not wanting to explain himself.

"Where in the future?" Five asked rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Well I'm not sure," Klaus said furrowing his eyebrows and recalling what the spirit had told him. "Look one of the spirits told me that Charlotte will be the cause of the end of the world if I was to stay with her. I just want to know if be leaving fixed it." Klaus said slumping on his brother's desk chair feeling defeated. For the past few weeks, all Klaus could think about was whether or not he had made the right choice, it was torment.

"Klaus," Five said putting a hand on his brother's shoulder. "I'd have to check every single day until I finally found the end and then I'd have to find the cause. The process itself could take years, I can't travel through time that much even on and good day." Five said softly and Klaus nodded.

"Well thanks anyway," Klaus said getting up and walking towards the window.

"Klaus," Five called out to his brother causing him to turn around. "I'll find it, just give me some time." He said looking to his brother with sad eyes. Klaus pursed his lips together and gave a small head nod before climbing out of the window onto the fire escape. He left the mansion and walked through the rainy city streets hoping that Five would be able to find something before it was too late.

Current Day

The team walked out of Five's portal to come to the edge of a lake, a few miles in the could see a small dot of an island. Everyone's eyes shifted to Luther questioning what the plan would be. The man stammered for a bit, opening and closing his mouth, as he looked towards the lake with a confused glance.

"Why don't Diego and I go and check for any weak points, we'll come back with a way to get in." Charlotte offered softly, having a soft spot for her numbskull of a brother. Luther nodded and Charlotte and Diego both stepped into the freezing lake.

"Ready?" Diego asked looking towards his adopted sister.

"As I'll ever be." She said with a smile before diving into the ice-cold lake, her body was washed over by a wave of warmth as she swam soon growing and becoming a killer whale. Her skin was no longer bothered by the cold lake water and she knew that she was far bigger than anything else that could be lurking in the depths of the lake.

Over the years Diego had found that not only could he throw knives but he could hold his breath for an insane amount of time, the team called him Shark Boy for a few months before he started throwing knives at the reference of any aquatic life.

After a few hours of swimming the two circled back and rejoined their group at the lakes edge. Charlotte shifted back into herself shaking from the cold air on her soaked clothes, and although Diego ha freezing as well he didn't dare shiver.

"Anything?" Luther asked looking towards the two wet adults.

"I found something." Diego said with a smirk, "But it's under the island." He said knowing not all of his siblings could brace the cold.

"There a weak spot of the opposite side of the island, I'm not sure why but there's no cameras or guards," Charlotte said ignoring her brother's idea of having everyone swim in the ice water.

"Let's go with the weak spot," Vanya said with a soft shrug. Ben stood behind her nodded his head frantically, not at all enjoying the idea of swimming under the island.

"Fine, let's hurry though." Diego groaned and once again Five opened a portal taking the group to the weak spot Charlotte had described. In front of the group stood a medieval castle, towers to the east and west standing like skyscrapers. The group looked towards two large oak doors that looked insanely heavy.

"Let's go," Luther said seriously leading the group through the weak spot. Diego drew out his knives and everyone else took that as the signal to get ready to fight. Luther pushed the double doors open with ease and the group cautiously walked into the dimly lit room.

"Ah! The Umbrella Academy!" A voice echoed around the room causing the team to form a tight circle ready for a fight to come from any direction. "So happy you've come to join us!" The echo cooed.

"Get out of here!" Allison's faint voice echoed off the walls as well. Charlotte turned to Luther and nodded, she closed her eyes as she felt her ears being to tingle, they turned into large bat ears, a trick Sir Hargreeves had been able to teach her.

"Where's Allison?" Luther yelled upwards as Charlotte covered her ears, uncovering them she waited to hear the response.

"Where you'll never find her!" The voice called out as it laughed maniacally. Charlotte closed her eyes forcing her ears to focus on where the sound waves were coming from, it was almost as if she could see them in her mind. Her ears tingled again returning to normal.

"Eastside third floor." She whispered loud enough for the group to hear but not loud enough so that it would echo to Dr. Terminal. Within seconds the group ran off in different directions all with the same destination in mind. Five and Ben ran to check for other prisoners of any guards that need to be taken down. Diego and Klaus went down to the basement to do the same. Charlotte and Vanya ran up the main stairs to check the top few floors of the castle while Luther ran head on to the third floor of the east wing. Bursting through one of the stone walls he flew into the room that Dr. Terminal and Allison were. Luther threw the man across the room before ripping the chains off Allison with ease. When the team had all made it to the room Luther had Dr. Terminal tied up and unconscious.

"You guys!" Allison cheered running towards her siblings with a huge grin on her face hugging each of them. The three pairs went over the number of prisoners and guards they found each content with the people they had been able to set free.

"In the basement is where he was keeping a bunch of stuff, I think your suitcases were down there," Klaus added on knowing Allison would want to get her stuff. She nodded and the three women walked down to the basement together as they talked about life.

"What are we going to do with him?" Diego asked kicking the doctor's foot as he looked at him in disgust.

"The thing we do with all evil nutcases I'd assume," Ben said knowingly.

"Send him to Hotel Oblivion," Luther said looking down at the sleeping man. Five nodded and opened up a portal where a window had once been. Luther, Diego, and Klaus all walked threw to turn the man in.

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