Part 2

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A/N: Thanks for reading the first part, hope it was okay! It will get more exciting soon! PLEASE COMMENT!

Jemma's POV

I'd had a great first day at school! I couldn't believe that I actually knew Tom Daley. I had Tom Daley's actual phone number. Wow. He was ten times hotter in real life and he was so funny and lovely and beautiful and caring and... ok Jemma stop. I thought, yes he is rather lovely and maybe I do have a slight crush on him... But he's so not into me, it's so obvious he and Tonia have a thing going on! 

As soon as I got home, I changed and had a snack before checking twitter. I was just scrolling down my timeline when a text popped up:

Hey jem, what you up to? wanna come out tonight with me and the others? Tom x

My heart beat so fast it nearly exploded. Tom texted me. Tom texted me! Yesssss I jumped up and down on the spot before pulling myself together and replying. I had to make this a good text. I couldn't sound too up for it...

Sure sounds good! what time? x

We arranged to meet at 7 to go to the Funky Buddha, he was going to pick me up. This was totally new for me, what would I wear?

Tom's POV

This was not good. I liked Jemma. As in like like. As in love love! But I didn't have the confidence to tell her! She was hilarious today at school, we got on so well! 

I finally got up the courage to ask her to come out with me and the team, I'd invited my cousin Allie too. I had to choose what to wear, something nice, but something that didn't make it look like I was trying too hard... 

Jemma's POV

I went over to my wardrobe and chose out a dress and shoes, trying not to get too excited. What would we talk about? I barely knew him... Maybe this wasn't such a good idea...

At 7, the doorbell went and I raced downstairs. It was Tonia at the door. Wait, Tonia? 

'Hey, you ready? The rest are waiting in the car!' She said to me smiling.

'Yeah, sure I'll just go and grab my bag" I replied.

I raced back upstairs confused. I thought it was just the two of us. My heart sank as I grabbed my bag, left the house and got into the car with the others.

"Wow you look lovely" Tom said to me, flashing that gorgeous, dazzling smile that had made me fall for him. 

My heart almost dropped right out of my body! How could I have been cross with him?! 

I smiled back.

"Thankyou Mr Daley, you're looking rather nice yourself" I said back cheekily.

Man, this night was sure gonna be interesting! 

A/N: Sorry bit of a short part, they will get longer and more interesting, but I've been busy! 

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