Chapter 2 Truth or Dare

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Annabeths POV

        We ran to the Posiden Cabin and there was Bunnycorn sitting in the middle of the cage eating some hay. The color returned to my boyfriend Percy's face. 

        "Im gonna kill her," he said fear turning to annoyance.

        "Now, Now Percy, she seemed just as scared as you were about the whole thing," I tried to say calmly.  

        Piper ran over quickly "You are not mad at me," she said coating the charmspeak in her voice thickly "I am your friend, you could never hurt a friend."

        Startled, Percy reapeated "A friend."

        Piper looked over to Jason who was laughing his head off. She glared at him, and he stood up and began walking twords us. "I'm sorry Percy, I dared her to do that."

        "You guys were playing Truth or Dare?" I asked relived.

        "Yep," replied Jason "You guys wanna play too?"

        "SURE, I LOOOOVE THAT GAME!!!!" Percy said enthusiastically.

        "Yeah, I'll play too," I was soooo exited, revenge can be sweet, "Lets go invite Leo to play too," I said with a sweet smile.

        Leo's POV

        I had been thinking about how funny it had been when I had pranked Annabeth into walking strait into a glitter bomb, a PINK glitter bomb too mind you not, man she couldnt get that stuff out for weeks, not until just reccently anyways, when I heard a knock on the cabin door, "Come on in.........if you dare," I say mischievously. The cabin door opens and at first all i see is Annabeth a deathly grin plastered on her face. " No, no no nonononononononono," and then in a small voice, "Please dont hurt me."

        She bursts into laughter as Percy, Piper, and Jason appear behind her. I started laughing too, because come on laughter is contagious, and all I can see on Annabeths face is pure happieness. Jason finally says "Hey Leo, we're all playing truth or dare, you should join us."

        "WHAT NO WAY, NOT WITH ANNABETH!" I suddenly say alarmed.

        "Hey don't worry about it," Jason said "It probably wont be her turn for a while."

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