"Dream! Yeah, this must be a dream!" Usopp cried out.

"Dream? Good-" Chopper and Usopp cried out as their heads collided as they were tossed about. The sniper began to meditate, praying and hoping that when he opened his eyes, it would just be a calm morning. Instead of a beautiful blue sky and the sound of calm waves, Usopp came face to face with a falling skeleton.

"Bones!!!" He cried out, throwing the bones toward Nami, who threw them right back.

"Idiot! Don't throw them this way!" The navigator screamed.

As soon as the waves calmed down, everyone took their time to take in what just happened.

"Why the heck did a ship fall from the sky?!" Luffy inquired.

"There's nothing in the sky..." Zoro and the others all looked up to the clouds, seeing nothing out of the ordinary.

"Oh man, the Grand Line is a crazy place!" Usopp sputtered, holding onto Chopper as he shook, the small reindeer also rattled by the events that just took place.

"Ah!" Nami screamed suddenly.

"What happened?" Y/n walked up to the navigator, who was staring at the log pose in horror.

"What're we gonna do?! Our log pose is broken!" She exclaimed, showing off the tool, the compass needle sticking up, pointing to the sky.

"That's not it. It was updated by an island with a stronger magnetism." Robin told her, the navigator looking at her in shock. "If the needle is sticking upwards, that can only mean it's been caught by the sky island.

"Sky island?!" Everyone exclaimed.

"What's that?" Nami questioned.

"There's a floating island?!" Luffy's jaw dropped.

"D-Did that ship and those bones fall from there?" Usopp stuttered.

"But I can't see anything like an island in the sky." Zoro muttered.

"That's not it. It's the sea that's floating, to be precise." Robin explained.

"I'm getting more and more confused..." Sanji sighed.

"Yaay! There's a sea with an island floating in the sky?! Alright! Let's go there!" Luffy shouted in excitement.

"Hey, guys! Turn the rudder upwards!" Usopp called out, he and Luffy both itching to go to the sky island.

"Are you idiots?" Y/n raised her brow, watching as Robin used her devil fruit to shut the two boys up.

"In any case, you can't turn upwards, Captain." Sanji told him.

"To be honest, I've never seen the sky island, nor do I know much about it." Robin said before turning towards y/n. "What do you think, miss Goddess?"

"I can't deny that they exist, but as far as I can remember, I've never been to one. So don't look to me for directions." Y/n told them.

"But it's impossible for a sea or an island to float on air! The log pose must be broken!" Nami claimed.

"Like I said, I can't deny that sky islands exist. Don't be so fast to give up on your only way of navigating these seas." Y/n crossed her arms.

"She's right. Our main concern shouldn't be the log pose, it should be how we get to the sky." Robin nodded.

"Where'd Luffy go?" Y/n looked around, the rubber man no longer standing on the deck next to them. She then spotted him and Usopp jumping across what was left of the galleon. "What are they doing?" Her brow rose.

Stars Align (One Piece x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin