"Leave her alone!" Crocodile's eyes widened in shock, turning back to see Luffy standing on his feet.

"Luffy..." Y/n wheezed, trying to get her breath back, fighting her body to stay conscious. No doubt she now had a concussion.

"You can't...defeat me!" Luffy panted out, glaring darkly at Crocodile. "I'm the man who'll be the King of Pirates!"

"Give up on your baseless dreams!" Crocodile ran forward, swinging his hook, only for Luffy to catch the base of it with the sole of his foot, stomping it down into the floor, breaking the hook off of the base. The metal clattered as the hook slid across the ground. Crocodile looked at what was left of his hook in shock. Luffy stretched his arm back, letting out a battle cry as he shoved his fist back into Crocodile's gut. He then kicked the larger man in the face, sending him flying to the side. Before he could even touch the ground, Luffy followed his body, slamming it down into the floor, cracking the stone. Luffy grabbed Crocodile's body, swinging it around, crashing it into fallen debris.

The warlord trembled, his body shaking from pain as he tried to get up. From the base of his hook, a knife sprouted out, Crocodile getting up and running towards Luffy.

"Who do you think I am?!" He jumped up stabbing his knife forward, but Luffy dodged, kicking Crocodile into the ceiling from below.

"I don't care who you are!" The rubber man spat, watching as Crocodile brought up his hand.

"Just fall with this sacred temple already! Sables...! Pesado!" He threw down a small dust devil, the sand exploding upon impact, destroying the temple columns and debris around it. The temple began to fall faster. Luffy ignored it, inflating his body with air, twisting it around before releasing the air towards the ground, propelling and spinning himself up towards the ceiling at an incredible speed.

"Gomu Gomu no...!" Luffy reeled back his arm.

"Desert la Spada!" Crocodile turned his arm into sand, the sand forming sharp blades, falling down towards Luffy.

"Storm!" The rubber man punched right through the blades, the sand scattering, having no affect on the man. His fist reached Crocodile's face, sending him higher into the ceiling. He kept punching, each blow sending Crocodile further and further into the ceiling. The stone began to crack from the sheer force, revealing light from above ground. Luffy ignored it and kept throwing swift punches until the ceiling gave, the rubber man's last punch sending Crocodile through the air.

"Unbelievable...There's so much bedrock between here and the surface..." Cobra looked in awe, the light from the sun above almost blinding him. Luffy fell to the floor, his body exhausted and unmoving. "Hey, kid!" Cobra crawled towards Luffy, making sure the rubber man wasn't dead. The king sat in silence for a while as the sun beat down on them. "I give you my thanks." He murmured. Y/n chuckled from her place on the floor.

"Luffy...Vivi...We have won." She smiled as rain fell down from above, allowing her vision to go black.


As she woke up, y/n noticed she was laying in a pristine white bed, surrounded by similar beds, some of the crew huddled up on top of them. She began to sit up, only to wince as her head started to pound.

"Oh! Y/n-san!" Vivi made her way over to the goddess, helping her sit up.

"It's evening?" She questioned, noticing the dimming light shining through the window.

"Yes, but feel free to keep resting! Your head took a bad hit, so you have a minor concussion." Vivi explained. Y/n looked around and saw Luffy still sleeping in his bed. "You and Luffy-san have been asleep for three days." The princess added.

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