The crew watched as Luffy painted a sloppy Jolly Roger upon the whale's head.

"This is a symbol of our rivalry! You can't hit your head anymore or it will come off!" Luffy chuckled, covered in paint. The whale let out a sound of agreement, the crew starting to get to work for their continued journey.

"Hey, where're those guys?" Usopp asked, now noticing the empty ropes.

"They jumped out." Y/n responded.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Ignoring the navigator's yells, y/n put her attention over to a strange object lying on the floor.

Sighing, Nami tried to figure out their position on her sea chart, only to see that her compass needle was going crazy.

"Wah! The compass is broken!" She cried out.

"You guys really don't know anything about the Grand Line do you?" The old man Crocus asked, crossing his arms. "Common sense is useless in this ocean." He explained, going on about how the islands work. "Because of the way these waters work, you'll need a log pose." Nami furrowed her brows.

"Log pose?" Y/n then raised up the strange object.

"You mean this thing?" Crocus nodded.

"It's impossible to navigate the Grand Line without one." Nami nodded in understanding.

"I see...But." She turned to the goddess, a smile upon her face. "Y/n." Her expression then turned dark, her fist colliding with the top of y/n's head. "Why do you have one?!" Y/n scowled, holding her head. She glared at the navigator, effectively scaring the woman.

"Try that again, you snake. See what happens..." Nami sweat nervously.

"Sorry!" She then put on the log pose, admiring it. Suddenly, Luffy was sent flying, breaking the log pose as his arm hit it. "Sanji-kun, Luffy." The navigator grabbed their attention. "Go cool your heads off!" She yelled at them, kicking them and sending them flying through the air.

"What are we going to do?" Nami whimpered, staring at the broken remains of the log pose.

"Don't worry, I'll give you mine." They turned to look at Crocus. "As thanks for what you did for Laboon." The said whale emerged from the water, throwing four figures up onto the rocks. Sanji helped up Miss Wednesday, leaving her partner and Luffy on the floor.

"We have a favor to ask of you." Her partner coughed out.

He and his partner begged to be taken to Whiskey Peak, an island supposedly not too far off from where they were now.

"Don't do it. These people are not to be trusted, no matter what they say." Crocus stated, staring at the two with a hard gaze. Despite his and the crew's protests, Luffy agreed to take them to their hometown. Everyone got onto the Going Merry, preparing to set sail.

"Thank you old man! See ya Laboon!" Luffy said his goodbyes, the ship undocking, headed straight for the next island.


They had finally managed to get to Whiskey Peak, the abnormal weather patterns driving the crew mad as they barely escaped disasters. As they neared the island, Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday hopped onto the rail of the ship, smirks upon their faces.

"Bye bye Baby!" They both jumped back, into the water before swimming towards the island.

"They're gone..." Nami and Usopp watched the two swim out of their view.

"Who cares?! We're landing!" Luffy smiled, the Going Merry entering the mouth of a river.

"What if this island has monsters?" Usopp shook.

"It could be possible, it is the Grand Line after all." Sanji responded.

"Even if it were the case, we'd have to stay until the log pose stores the island's magnetism." Y/n crossed her arms.

"Let's not worry about it until it happens." Luffy added, Zoro nodding in agreement.

"Luffy's right. Let's go. It's not worth thinking about it." Sanji nodded as well.

"No matter what happens, I'll protect Nami-san and Y/n-swan!" He said, pointing to himself.

"Hey, w-wait! My chronic illness, um-" Usopp stuttered.

"Illness? I happen to be an all purpose doctor..." Y/n said, cracking her knuckles.

"I'm cured!" Usopp yelled out, hands shot up in the air.

"In any case, be prepared to run as well as fight."

The Going Merry entered a cloud of fog, obscuring the crew's vision. Y/n narrowed her eyes, spotting shadowy figures in the distance.

"We're being surrounded..." The crew immediately became weary.

"Everyone, be careful." Nami warned, the others getting into a battle ready stance. Usopp started sputtering nonsense until the crew heard cheering. Many people surrounded the edge of both sides of the river, waving and cheering towards the crowd.

"Welcome to the Grand Line!"

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