Chapter 2

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As we joined the que of people waiting to get into the arena my heart was beating so fast. I had waited for this moment for so long but I didn't know what I was going to say to demi when I met her. Sure, I'd rehearsed the speech in my head a thousand times, but now that I was standing here, in line, to meet her in real life, everything I had thought to say sounded so cheesy. In my mind, I told her how much she had helped me through my struggles with depression, how she had helped me realise my dream of becoming a star and how I owed my life to her, but, wasn't that what everyone would say? I needed to somehow let her know that she had truly changed my life and I didn't know how I was going to do that. I felt a tug on my arm as Joanne moved us forward in the que. We were getting closer and my nerves were beginning to show.

"stop." I heard Joanne say to me quietly. I noticed I was fiddling with my hands and my rings. I do it when I'm nervous. "it'll be ok Y/N, she's just like us. At the end of the day she's a person too."

"I know," I sighed back, "But she's demi fucking Lovato." I said, fiddling more with my rings. My nerves weren't going away and we were almost to the front. There was only 3 more people in front of us.

We got inside and saw a girl handing out huge Demi posters for us to have signed. I had worn my 'Demi Lovato wife me up' t-shirt and as I looked down at it. I cursed myself for wearing it. I looked so stupid. Here I was meeting the woman I adored in a stupid fucking t-shirt which would probably make her feel so awkward.

"Jo, why did you let me wear this stupid ass t-shirt?" I said pulling at it. I looked around as all the other people in line waiting. Most of them wearing old Demi merch from her previous shows. Lucky fuckers, I thought to myself.

"It looks fine, I promise. I bet you she laughs when she sees it. Heck you'll make her remember you at least." I blushed at the thought of Demi remembering even two seconds after I left the room.

"Next!" a tall man, built, wearing a suit and an ear piece shouted. I realised it was our turn. My heart was beating so fast. I was near sure everyone would be able to hear it. Joanne grabbed my hand. "you ready?" she said with a squeak, I just nodded thinking I would either pass out or throw up everywhere. This is was. Here we go. Breathe Y/N, breathe.

Little short chapter for number 2. gotta keep y'all wanting more lol. The way this story is gonna go is that i'll let you know when I've changed POV. so until you see it saying someone elses POV, it'll always been on Y/N POV.

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