Gravity and Space (Dipcifica /RevGF)

Start from the beginning

He pulled out his own and put the disc in his pocket. He was serious but always that playing teasing way he only reserved for her.

What is wrong with him?

They battled around the Death Star neither giving an inch. They were both equal in their training and powers. To give themselves an upper hand needed some kind of miracle.

Pacifica went for the kill, aggression with a touch of finesse. Dipper always blocked but attacked with a serious but teasing method.

Pacifica was still aggravated by him. She knew all about him. His cruelty, coldness, emotionless, exactly like his sister who despised Pacifica with a burning hatred.

But not Dipper. She didn't get him.

They were now battling in some strip and a few times, they were about to fall out to oblivion but managed to catch themselves in time.

"You are still as feisty as ever!" Dipper roared with pleasure as he kept on sending Pacifica to the edge but she kept firm.

"And you are still the same cruel bastard," Pacifica growled.

"Yes, but isn't that what a lady digs? A bad boy?" Dipper asked as he sent another swing at her but Pacifica blocked.

In the glow of the blue and red lightsabers that clashed in the moment, Pacifica, eyes burning, whispered, "I hate you."

Dipper just smiled, "Liar," he whispered back and they disengaged to find another weak spot to each other.

Pacifica frowned. She really did hate Dipper, or did she?

'No, you don't' the voice came back in her head.

'Shut up,' she chided the voice.

That was when she made her first mistake. She lost her balance over the railing and was hanging on one hand. She wanted to pull herself up as she put the lightsaber back into the belt but the red lightsaber pointed towards her with Dipper smiling in triumph.

"It's over Pacifica. Now you have two options: Join me or face death." Dipper frowned at the last two words. Sincerely, he didn't want to end Pacifica. Stubborn, quirky and fun, he entertained her to no end and kept his interest for all time. Losing her would be a real shame.

Pacifica smiled instead. She was no idiot. Her free hand held a band that shot a dart to Dipper's leg which paralyzed him and with the Force darted the lightsaber away, pulled herself up and faced Dipper towards her with a smile on her face.

She took the disc and said, "I'll never join you, maybe you should join me." Then Pacifica frowned along with Dipper. Where did those last four words come from?

Then, Dipper's frown turned into a smile.

"Ahh, so you do want to be with me," Dipper said. Despite being paralyzed, he could still talk.

"No, I do not!" She screamed back. The same old argument. Why didn't she run? She already had got what she came for but she just couldn't bring herself to go away.

Dipper sighed, "You will soon."

"No, I will never love a Sith Lord who has tortured, killed and destroyed countless of planets for the Emperor and especially killing my mentor!" Pacifica raged.

"Ahh, Obi-Wan Kenobi..." Dipper had a faraway look, "He needed to be eliminated for the cause. Like how you killed some of my Inquisitors as well," he told Pacifica.

"But he was your mentor too!" Pacifica said.

"Was," Dipper repeated, "He was my mentor. I've a new mentor now and he's my Emperor."

Pacifica simply shook her head. It was murky, the Empire's past even with Dipper in the thick of things and all her Jedi training never revealed anything toward it.

"I'm done talking to you!" Pacifica said and turned back to leave the Death Star in her ship but she was stopped by a black gloved hand.

"Not until I finally do this," Dipper said and kissed her.

It was soft, light, then became passionate and fierce with all their feelings, personality and anything between them emerging as one in a simple kiss.

But that moment was broken after Pacifica's brain slapped her heart for foolishness and came back to thy senses.

She then proceeded to push Dipper and Force him to the very end of the strip as she ran at the other side, shouting, "I hate you!" But Dipper despite the distance could see her feeling her lips, exploring but not brushing it off.

'Liar. You love me.' Dipper said inside her head.

'You are the Sith, evil, emotionless, pyscho, sociopath, sadistic, a killer. I could never love you.' Pacifica answered back as she ran to find her ship. She didn't meet any interference and tried to avoid all stormtroopers.

'You are the Jedi. My number one enemy, threat to the Sith and my Emperor, stubborn, rude, uncontrollable, yet I still love you and if I can, you can too. You will join me.'

'And my same answer is no. I'll never join the likes of you.' Pacifica said but her heart was really telling a different story.

'Liar. Your heart wants different.'

'I'm done here' Pacifica later killed the connection as she found her ship and took off with the disc at hand and completing the mission for the Resistance.

Your heart wants different.

...and maybe you should join me.

Probably all true. Maybe someday they could be together without the hatred of Jedi and Sith.

Maybe someday...

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