The Beginning Is The End

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I couldn't open my eyes.

I could feel my fingers, I moved each at a time before wiggling my toes.

I heard that god awful beeping and groaned inside my head. Because at the moment my lips weren't responding.

I had to strain myself to try and remember how I ended up where I currently was. Wherever that may be.

I remember getting a call from Ricardo aka Rick. He needed my brother and me to come over and help him. So, within a half an hour Lucas was pulling up in the driveway.

Before getting out of the car I glanced at him.

"You good?" his hand gripped my shoulder reassuringly. I've been very on edge lately. Considering all we've been through I wouldn't say it was unjustified. Although, I trusted we were safe with Rick.

Rick and our family had history. Considering my father was involved with the organized crime going on in New York it was important to have people to trust. When he was killed and my mother left, Rick was there to pick us up.

So we continued to work together, I thought of him as family. I'd do anything for him, I owe him that.

I brought myself back to reality in the car and met his curious gaze.

"Of course big bro. Let's head in and see what the old man needs." We exited and I hopped my way up the steps.

When I wrenched the door open, both of us walked through the entrance I saw Rick was at the table.

I noticed he was sweating. I didn't think much at the time but all signs pointed to anxiety and nervousness.

"Ricky!" I smiled at him and took a step to hug him.

I faltered however when he stood abruptly. Something was off. He looked... darker.

Lucas grabbed my hand and held on tightly, I retreated into his side.

"What's goin' on Ricardo?" Lucas turned serious, his voice deepening while he straightened.

"The Bianchi's," my eyebrow rose at the name, they were another powerful Italian family.

"They contacted me, telling me they were the ones responsible for your father," before I could even react to the revelation he continued, "and they made me an offer I couldn't refuse. And I'm sorry for this. I really am."

I saw the gun before Lucas did.

"No!" I cried out and pushed him out of the way.

I gasped when I felt the bullet hit my left side, right where my heart was. I didn't cry out, as the burning unbearable pain spread I could only drop. Dead weight hit the floor while I prayed I bought Lucas enough time to leave or fight back.

He didn't.

Another shot rang through the air while Lucas collapsed next to me.

"Luke," I cried quietly when he scrambled to grab my hand. My breaths were coming out short and shallow.

"I love you sis." His voice was strained and weak, hearing him like that hurt more that the bullet in my chest. My brother was the strongest person I knew. He always protected me, always. And I couldn't even do that.

I gripped his hand one more time before everything went dark.
After remembering everything that took place I shot up while heaving for air. My vision was cloudy with tears as I took in the bland hospital room.

"Lucas," I croaked, "gotta find him."

A nurse ran in and started saying anything she could to calm me while gently pressing me down.

"Lucas Christiano, tell me where he is. Please, tell me now I have to see him." I was speaking a mile a minute and she was ignoring everything I said.

She stopped ignoring me however when I gripped the collar of her shirt and yanked her down to my eye level.

"Listen very closely. Tell me where my brother is now."

I gasped when something pricked my neck, I was now noticing a doctor who now had a needle in my neck.

Hello! First book on here and I'm really hoping it's worth your time, I really enjoyed writing these chapters. Updates will be on Tuesdays😘😘

 Updates will be on Tuesdays😘😘

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