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"Let's make a pact, then. I offer you my protection from other supernatural races and in return you have to kill me by the end of six months."

Kaizer stared at the Dark Fae watching him with a mischievous glint in her eyes and scowled, "What's the catch?"

Her lips twitched into an unmistakable smile. But, unlike before, it held no humor, matching the chilling presence in her gaze. "You will not betray me or cause harm to my brother." The temperature in the room dropped. "The moment you do," her eyes glowed green with a hint of blood red. "... I will slay you myself."

Kaizer remained stoic, though his glower dimmed. "Fine. I agree to your terms and this pact."

In a flash, the temperature and lighting in the room returned to normally as the Dark Fae beamed. "Wonderful." Humor returned to her green eyes as if it had never left, but something else flickered softly in those depths. "Glad to be working with you," her lips upturning once again into that infuriating amused grin."...soulmate."

Miss me? I'm back and with an actual novel. Still working on the basic outline and characters, but I have decided to write this novel. Hopefully, this time I won't bail out. I'll warn you though. This wouldn't be anything like The Silver Phoenix (I wince at the mere mention of the name). I have plans for this book [insert evil muahahas]. Jokes aside, hope you stick around for this journey.

All rights reserved.

This novel is original and if it seems similar to any other novels, I apologize, but it is a coincidence. Respectfully, I say: don't steal my work and don't be a loser.

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