Did Sankar spill out the beans!?

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Oh My Love….

Dadi and Laksh looked each other shocked.With the same shock they looked at the person at the door step.Ap was standing there with teary eyes.

Laksh:Maa…(in a husky tone)

Ap moved into Laksh’s room.

Laksh:Maa woh…

He was interrupted….

Ap:Just tell me…whether what all I heared was(she took a deep breath) true…

Laksh noded yes to her.

Ap was still teary…,”how did all these happen”

Laksh said what all he told dadi…

Ap:I doubted that Ragini wouldn’t be wrong when u said u love her.But now…everything is clear for me.I still remember Ragini’s,she is still before my eyes(her voice cracked a little)…when she folded her hands and left from here (she broke out)

Laksh and dadi too broke out

Ap:Even now I cant believe that swara did all these and sanskar (she paused)how can he do this with his own brother!!!

Laksh:(he wiped his tears and held Ap’s hands in his hands) Maa….Ragini left me as Ragini lakshya Maheshwari and I promise u maa..I will bring back Ragini lakshya Maheshwari(he sounded determined,...then he turned)Diamond cuts diamond…likewise pain cures pain.I will show the pain of love to swara and sanskar.

Dadi:I want to know about sharmishta too.She proved us she is swara’s mother (she mentioned the video matter…when Swara was shown she took drugs…etc…)sharmishta believed swara being a mother. ..If she cant be Ragini’s mother she will have no place in my home…

Ap:Laksh…come with me(she caught his hand) we will talk to ur papa

Laksh caught Ap’s hand which was already holding his hand.

Ap stopped…

Laksh:Papa will never believe this maa…swara has gained a high place in papa’s heart..
I want to show the real pain of love to swara…the pain Ragini went through…I have to wait to know whether swara has any feelings for sanskar.And sanskar…he will know what real betrayal is…but i won’t betray him.

Ap looked him confused

Laksh says something to Ap and Dadi that was muted.

Ap:Kaki sa…I know u r leaving now but plz leave after the lunch…I want to spend some time with my bahu(she smiled looking Laksh)

Laksh too smiled back.

The trio reached Ragini who was already sitting on d sofa.

Ap:Ragini beta..


Ap:If i ask u something..will u do that for me

Raglak and dadi looked Ap confused.

Ap:Will u be my daughter (she asked her indirectly  to marry laksh but that proposal Ap made was not part of Laksh's plan. )

Dadi understood it.But poor raglak didn’t.

Ap:will u marry my son

Raglak widened their eyes.Obviously they were shocked.

Laksh:Maa wat r U saying….Ragini…no u need not say s…But if u wish plz say s..plz(he pleaded xtra sweetly and politely)

Ap and dadi laughed looking laksh..how he asked ragini’s for permission now.Ragini too smiled lightly.Laksh saw ragini’s little smile and scratched his head behind.

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