2. Two night stand

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Qatari M. Edwards  | May 18, 2017.

My eyes opened and I didn't feel anybody beside me. I glanced at the time seeing it was already 8 which meant I was late to work. I quickly removed my bare body from the bed and raced into the bathroom, to see it was occupied by someone else. "You still here?" I wondered starting to brush my teeth. He nodded while opening a brand new toothbrush which I had just given him. "Why would I leave?" He questioned starting to use the other side of the sink but some reason he ended up right behind me.

I spit into the drain then rinsed my mouth, and finally I washed over my face.

I combed my hair up into a messy bun and decided today I'd be completely casual. Just a simple button down blouse with high waisted bell bottom jeans, along with heels of course. I was about to exit the bathroom until Melly had wrapped his arms around me - pulling me right back to him. "Whea' you goin'?" He asked smiling widely.

"I have to get ready for work," I informed.

"Nah you got time for anotha' go round nie," he suggested chuckling into my ear. I smiled widely and shook my head in defense, "I don't I have to go."

He kissed his teeth, "yes you do."

His lips found the skin at my neck and he began to place gentle kisses onto it. "Please," he begged not bothering to release his arms from around me. "I real-really have to go.. I can see you another day," I promised still trying to remove myself from his grip.

"Fuck it bet," he released me finally.

I exited to find my attire in my large variety of clothing to be ready to start my late ass day.

11:27 a.m.

"Damn girl you went home with him or what?" Erica questioned while we were both emerging in a coffee break. I shook my head, fanning the air with my hands. "He took me home and he didn't leave until I left from work but the crazy part was I didn't even get his number, he was so worth keeping around," I admitted to her. He gave me amazing sex practically wanted more and I didn't even get to exchange numbers. "Damn that's wild," Erica commented with a never ending smile.

I poured cream into my coffee along with sugar and I walked back to my cubicle. "I know he's way better than Samson in bed," I admitted. "Girl," Erica's dark eyes rolled, "sounds like everyone's better in bed than your tired ass husband."

I fanned her off, "stop it."

I heard the phone ringing near desk so I parted ways from her and I answered it. "This is Qatari how can I help you?" I greeted.

"Goodness I've missed your voice," Samson spoke. My hand fell to the middle of chest. I was so surprised that he had called. It was hard communicating with him since the timezones were so out of wack.

"Baby?" I called out still shocked.

"Yes Qatari it's me, how've you been?"

I've been good just cheating on you is all, "I've been good," I replied.

"Hmph that's great. Germany is beautiful I really wish you could've came with me anywho," he stated, "I'll be back on Monday and I can't wait to see you.. it's been far too long."

I nodded in agreement. He was right. It had been far too long. About three months maybe longer I wasn't sure, I lost track of time. "Ye-yes," I said once I realized I hadn't spoke only gestured. My mind started to daze back to the night before. The way Jamell had my legs in the air, the way he had my body feeling, the aggressiveness of each stroke. "Did you hear what I said?" Samson wondered.

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