Yep, I'm....Gay {16}

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"Cale?" I heard a voice calling my name. I slowly opened my eyes and found Grant laying against me, my arms completely wrapped around him. He was poking me in the chest, blushing. I quickly unwrapped my arms and sat up embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry Grant. I guess I may have cuddled you while we were sleeping." I apologized. He chuckled and pulled me back down and snuggled against my chest.

"Grant, as much as I would love to sit here with you, we still have school." I told him. He sighed in disappointment.

"I don't want to go to school." He mumbled. I rubbed his hair affectionately.

"I know. I won't make you go." I said. I climbed out of the bed, Grant blushing since I was only in my boxers.

"You're staring." I chuckled.

"No I'm not." He said looking away. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a gray t-shirt. I threw Grant a pair of my basketball shorts and a red t-shirt with the word Ba-Zinga written across it. He put them on and walked up to me." I wrapped my arms around his slim waist and pulled him closer enough that our lower bodies were touching. I pressed my lips against his as he gripped my forearms. He licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth pushing my tongue in his. Our tongues battled for dominance. So he was putting up a fight now, huh? I like that.

"Hey now. You're supposed to be eating breakfast, not each other's faces." My mom said from the doorway.

"Mooooom." I groaned pulling away from Grant as he giggled.

"Awww Grant did you just giggle? That was so cute!" I said ruffling his hair.

"No! Stop it!" He said swatting at my hand.

"No that was adorable! Do it again!" I laughed.

"No. I'm not doing it." He said pushing away from me. He walked downstairs and sat down at the table.

"So you're gonna stay here Grant?" My mom asked him.

"If it's okay with you." He answered.

"Of course it's okay." She said smiling.

"Little Grant's staying?!" Danny said coming into the kitchen. Grant nodded as Danny hugged him.

"Stop it Danny. He's my boyfriend." I said pulling Danny away. Danny stuck his tongue out at me.

I sat down and ate my breakfast and left.


I walked in the building and found Zoey and everyone else.

"Where's Grant?" Zoey asked curiously.

"He's at my house." I told her.

"Why?" Loren questioned.

"He's getting away from his homophobic parents for a while." I answered.

Evan came up and jumped on Loren's back.

"Hey bitches." He greeted us.

"I'm not a bitch." Loren said.

"Yes you are." Evan laughed.

"You know you love me." Loren smirked. Evan's face turned red and he didn't answer. (A/N: They are definitely getting a story. I just couldn't resist.)

"Anyways you said he's getting away from his parents? So he told them huh?" Zoey said. I nodded, "He was hurt pretty bad. Like really upset."

"Oh okay. We should get to class guys." She said checking her watch. I walked to language with Evan and Loren. When we got in I took my seat next to Kyal who was giving me a sly grin.

Yep, I'm....GayHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin