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       Hello! Welcome to my Nico x reader! Now, some things to address before you all start this book.

1. I will NOT  do smut. My childish love for this canary didn't include sexual fantasies, and I plan to KEEP it that way.

2. There might be slow updates. Wattpad and writing fanfictions aren't my top priorities in life. I still have school, home life, and more to keep up on, so sorry in advance

3. Don't cause beef in the comments. Saying things like "eW yOU LIkE a bIRd? yOu fURrY" isn't acceptable and you WILL be blocked (unless it is a joke)

4.  I will try not to put too many AN's in here, for your guys' sake

5. PLEASE leave criticism, don't attack people for correcting me on a misspelled word, incorrect grammar, or telling me if I just COMPLETELY missed an important scene in the movie     

6. Tell me how you like the book so far! I love hearing your thoughts and opinions, and love laughing at your funny comments!       


(Y/N)= your name

(Color)= color of your feathers+eyes

I will add later, those are just the ones I know I'll need atm

Besides that, enjoy the book! Don't forget to leave a vote too! Love you guys!


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