Chapter 14: Birdnapping

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   As (Y/N) was carried away, screeching like a madman, Pedro and Nico struggled to keep hot on their trail. 

   "Hey! Get back here!" Pedro panted, "Nobody messin with a friend of Pedro's, I ain't havin it!"

   As the cardinal did shadow boxing movements in the air, Nico didn't stop trying to catch up to them. He couldn't stop, he couldn't let that bastard take her. He finally slowed when he physically couldn't go anymore. They had become nearly a speck in the distance. Panicked thoughts swirled through Nico's mind. Where was he taking her? How could he have let this happen? What if she gets hurt, or worse? 

   "Ayo man you good?" Pedro had finally caught up to his canary friend, taking in his disheveled and distraught state. "C'mon let's go get Ralphy, he'll know what to do."

   Nico just nodded and quickly flew back to get help. They had to get her back.

{Skip to (Y/N)}

   The (color) canary's body collided with cold metal bars as her body was tossed into a cage, and the door was quickly shut on her. She immediately scrambled up, her feathers flared and a murderous look in her eyes. Well, eye. The other one was closed, the scratch having a light sting as crimson, metallic liquid trickled from it. Her back muscles groaned and throbbed from the force of impact after being quite literally chucked by something over twice her size.  

   "What a shame, such a pretty bird ruined because of her temper." (Y/N) whipped around at the sound of the condescending voice. Nigel slowly walked around the outside of her cage, an arrogant smirk on his beak. 

   "You wanna see temper? Let me out of this cage and I'll show you and that stupid smirk of yours how I really am when I'm pissed." (Y/N) sneered at him, puffing her chest out. She wasn't going to cower to him, she refused to give him that satisfaction.

   Nigel tsked at her and narrowed his eyes. In a flash, he had grabbed the canary's face and pulled her into the metal cage, his cold eyes boring into her hate-filled (color) ones. "Now now, don't be so bold. The only reason you aren't my evening snack is to get that dense macaw of yours. Now cheer up, we're going to a parade, and everyone loves parades." He cackled evilly, his tone almost unhinged, and he released her and flew away.

   (Y/N) growled, and dove for the door of her cage. Her tiny talons grappling with the latch outside, this one was stupidly complicated. Probably made for difficult parrots that liked to create mischief for their owners. She stopped when a human walked in with a thrashing burlap sack. He tossed it into the cage next to hers and shut the door quickly. A flurry of blue threw itself at its cage door rapidly, screeching angrily.

   "Hey! Let me out of here you little-." (Y/N) recognized the voice immediately.


   The female macaws head turned, and her blue eyes widened at the sight of the canary. "(Y/N)? How'd you-."

   "That obnoxious parakeet got the drop on me, you?"

   "Caught me in a net while getting away from your brother." She rolled her eyes bitterly, but then her face softened as she looked at (Y/N) once again. "Your face though... are you alright?"

   (Y/N) let out a snort, she didn't need her pity. "This? Just a scratch, I'll be fine. I've had worse." The amount of times she got decked by a ceiling fan while messing with Blu is more times than (Y/N) was proud to admit. "Besides, we have bigger problems. They're using us as bait, if they get Blu we're all done for."

   Jewel nodded, "So, how do we stop it?"

   (Y/N) shook her head hopelessly, "Pray that Blu meant what he said and that he's already on his way back home..."

   The blue macaw opened her mouth to say something, but let out a yelp of surprise at the sudden jolt of the float they were in. The thing was quite run down, a piss poor attempt at a chicken, but (Y/N) had to say that it was a smart way to transport birds easily undetected. The plan was now in motion, and all they could do was pray that either Blu had a miracle up his wing, or didn't show at all.

(A/N): So uh

Hi guys

Yes yes I know it's been a while and I've done this reoccurring thing of disappearing off the face of the earth and returning once every like 6 months like a fucking hobit or something. Not gonna lie, thought about discontinuing this for a while now. Am I going to? Probably not, I care too much about y'all to do that. But I am like high key depressed and shit so yknow might slink back into my little hole and reappear sporadically again who knows.

Anyways, you guys are fucking insane. 70k reads and over 2k votes? Are you guys serious? Thank you all so much, I love reading your comments and I love seeing your interactions with the book, it makes me happy and keeps me motivated to see this thing through.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share my loves


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