Ch. Twenty: What Do I Do?

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Ch. Twenty: What Do I Do?

(Y/n)'s Perspective


Why me?

I thought as the girl continued to waltz towards my direction in a fast rate. As the smoke continues to evaporate, the sun shone down unto the girl and finally shows her features. She had raven black hair tied up in a ponytail, with fringes covering both sides of her cheeks, and her forehead, making the looker focus more on her glowing orange orbs as they stood out from her pale white skin.

And the frown etched upon her face.

The mystery girl wears a black suit with orange rings around the sleeves that reached her wrist, and a skirt with the same dark colour. The heels of her black Mary Janes' ((yes, there's a shoe called that)) makes a clicking sound as she continued to walk to me with that murderous aura surrounding her.

((my Oc (the girl You're describing) prefers to wear dark colored clothing (she's not an Edge Queen tho)))

Is it just me, or does she appear to want to neutralise me? No?

Also, did I forgot to mention that she has a floating glowing book on her right, and a dagger at her hips?

The girl was only a few meters away from us when I decided to take a look at Austin, about to ask if he knows this girl, but the look on his face already gave me the answer that I was never expecting to get. As he looks down at me, still sitting on my bottom on the freezing lake, with that terrified look on his face, he suddenly grabs hold of my arm before pulling me up to my feet.

Then he stood in front of me, in a protective stance, and I peeked from behind him to see that the girl finally stopped and stood in front of him, but there was no point in trying to show dominance when your enemy is taller than you. When she was still a loooong way away from me, I didn't notice how tall she really was.

She's freaking taller than both of us!

And possibly, even taller than Sebastian! Wow!

Talk about how much growth spurts she had as a kid?

"What are you doing, boy?" She says, as she crosses her arms across her chest, an annoyed look washing over her features as she looks down at us. But Austin doesn't reply, only glaring up at her that shoots right at her soul.

But not entirely.

"Not gonna talk?" She asks as her eyebrow raise in question and she sighs, before crouching down to Austin's eye level and pointing her dagger at Austin's face, and he did nothing but narrow his eyes at how impeccably close it was. "I didn't wanna force anyone today, or here in this world."

"But answer me or else."

"O-or else what?"

"'Or else what?'? HA!" She exclaims before she stood back up and starts to chuckle, as if Austin just told her a hilariously funny joke. Her chuckling continued before she stopped and her aura became serious.

"I know you don't wanna have a nasty scar on that face of yours." She says while putting her dagger away, still crouching down. "So, tell me; what are ya doin'?"

"I am keeping her away from you." He answers in pure bravery.

I smiled, even through this situation, as I begin to be grateful of having a best friend like him.

"Eh?" She states in surprise as her eyebrows raise, making them disappear within her fringes as her eyes continuously blink in utter disbelief.

"Is that so?" She mocks as she leans towards my direction, I grip Austin's arm as I watch her face come near my face, a grin spread across hers before she stood back up, now with her hands on her hips while tilting her head to the left. "Aren't I supposed to be the one, keeping her away from you?"


"What do you mean–you're the one threatening us!" I decided to intervene, to speak up for myself.

"Oh, you poor thing." She says once again, as a sad look replaces the once psychotic facade that she wore earlier. "You don't know, do you?"

"What do I not know?" I demanded, now standing beside Austin as I held my ground and I look up at her, waiting for her response. She stands up straight again before speaking.

"A lot of things, dearie." She states sadly, which makes me more confused than ever. She holds out her hand to me, a small smile on her lips. "And I'll tell you if you come with me."

I stare at her gloved hand as I pondered my choice.

If I declined her offer, then I can get away from her, but I won't receive the answers to my questions. Although, if I accept it, and I get all the answers, there's a possibility that she'll kill me.

I look at Austin's face, his blue eyes staring at me, telling me to say no. Then I look up at the girl's, the same sad eyes as a small kind smile graces her lips.

What do I do?

- o - o - o -

Short and late chap, sowwy. I'm also sorry if I wasn't able to describe the girl more accurately/easier for you to imagine. Next chap, which is two weeks from now, I will include a pic of her.

Again, so sorry for it being short AF, things distract me too easily that I couldn't write more, also, I have things to finish. E.g. Until Dawn. CuZ i nEeD tO kNoW wHo'S tHe KiLlEr!


Anyways, uhm, thank you for reading dear reader! 💕💕

Have a nice day/night and,

C y a !

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