There, I touched the silty, muddy bottom and kicked for the surface. My lungs were burning and felt like they were on fire. I kept kicking and straining for the surface. I could see the light of the surface. It was so close and yet it was so far. I could feel myself wanting to give in. I had to breath, but I kept swimming.

            I broke though the surface like a missile taking flight and I took deep breaths of the sweet precious air. I treaded water and kicked back onto my back, enjoying the warm sun of the Summerland that was shining on my face.

            "Congratulations, Little Star."

            I spun around and treaded water. Mary approached in her little canoe. She paddled next to me and stopped. "You've been trying to reach the bottom of the lake for years now and today you accomplished your goal. How do you feel?"

            I treaded water and thought about her question. "I don't know, Mary. I feel kind of empty."

            "Empty?" Mary raised her eyebrow.

            I jumped into Fast Time, sprang to the surface of the lake and walked to the rowboat and stepped inside, dropping back Into Time just as I stepped off the lake.

            Mary nodded with approval at my command of Time/Space.

            Completely dried off because of my jump into Fast Time, I settled into the back of the little canoe. "Is this what happens after you get what you want?" I asked Mary.

            Mary smiled and paddled back to shore. "Sometimes. When your life is about constantly striving for something better then you are bound to feel disappointment when you arrive where you are going."

            "I'd been telling myself it was impossible to swim to the bottom of the lake without going into Fast Time, but I just did it."

            "Indeed, your skills have improved to a very significant degree. Your time training with me has almost come to an end. Soon, you will be able to start your mission in the Middle world." Mary said as we neared the small wooden dock.

            "Mary, how will I know what to do in the Middle World? It sounds too big for me."

            Mary patted me on the leg. "Don't be afraid, Little Star. Every new Keeper of the Wend always has fears." She tied off the little canoe and we climbed out.

            As we walked up the small path towards her cottage, I reflected on my time spent in the Summerland. I'd been coming here since I was 3 years old and it was hard to believe that I wouldn't be coming back to this idyllic lake to train with Mary.

            "Is this really my last time, coming here?" I asked Mary as we neared the little cabin in the woods.

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