"The school's rumors."

I scoffed. "Of course," I said.

"You don't like being the center of attention,"

I shook my head. "Nope."


"It's uncomfortable."

"Most people would like that,"

"Well, most people are not me,"

"Sang Sorenson, you..."

"Please just Sang."

He raised one of his eyebrows. "I know it's a weird name," I said.

"No weirder than Kota." He said making me smiled.

The movie was finally done and when all of us were preparing to leave, Kota stopped in front of me. "What's your phone number?"

I gaped. "Pardon?"

"What is your phone number?" he repeated slowly.

"I... why do you want to know?"

"Well, tomorrow's history quiz and you came in here just today. I would like to offer you some assistance so you could catch up. Giving me your number will allow me to send files to your number or maybe visit your house so I could give you my notes."

Why was he talking so formally? I looked down and sighed. "That's very nice of you," I said and looked up. "Sadly I don't...have a phone. And my mother doesn't really like it when I invite friends over. But thank you for offering though," I said.

He nodded. His eyes showed concerned after everything I said. It was like he understood the hidden meaning behind my words. I hope he didn't. No one can know what's going at my house.

His eyes suddenly went emotionless again and his body froze. He suddenly made fists. I frowned, "Kota?" I asked.

He turned around as if protecting me. I looked at his back and saw Silas standing near the door. But I frowned deeper when I saw Silas glaring at Kota. I shook my head and called him.

"Silas," I said. He looked at me and the way Kota is positioned in front of me and took a deep breath as if he was controlling himself.

"Aggele, let's go. The others are waiting," he said. He was smiling at me but his face was unsettling since he kept on looking back and forth between me and Kota. His voice was also tense. I didn't like it but I followed him. Well, I would have followed him if it was not of the fact that Kota suddenly reached my hand. I flinched but stayed. I hope no one saw that. I looked up and knew I was doom when I saw both of them looked down at me with concern and pity in their eyes. Kota immediately released me but the deed was done.

"Sang," he said.

"Aggele," Silas said at the same time.

They glared at each other again. Seriously? "I've gotta go," I said.

"Alright," Silas said.

"No. By myself. I assumed you guys know each other by the way you guys are glaring. And... I don't wanna be part of it. So I'm gonna go, I'll see you guys after you made things cool between each other." I said. I left them and felt guilty since I didn't give them a full answer. I left them mainly because they saw one of the signs of my abusive life. I can't have them know.

Without someone guiding me, I had trouble walking through the hallways. I kept on getting pushed at since there are many people at this school. I kept on walking until I reached outside and found a big tree. Since there isn't anyone there, I quickly walked over and sit underneath the shadow of the big tree. I grabbed my history book and started reading. Failing means beating. And I do not want her to have more reason to beat me.

"Hey new kid!" since there wasn't anyone near me, I looked up. There were three guys walking towards me with bad written all over their vibe. They might look like they have money and maybe to certain people it's attractive but not me. I immediately closed my book and stood up. I did not want to deal with this. I was going to walk away when I realized they were already standing in front of me.

I looked up at them and saw one of them grinning at me while the rest were smirking and looking at me like I'm something they can eat. I had to get out of here. I smiled tensely at them. "So uh, what are you doing here?" the one who was grinning at me asked.

"Uhm, I was just about to leave..." I said hating the way he leers at me.

"Why would you want to leave so fast? We just got here sweetheart," he said. His friends still stayed behind his back while licking their lips. Gross.

"It's almost bell time, my free period is almost over," I said.

"Almost is not yet sweetie. Just hold up, my friends and I want to hang out with you for a bit. Only until the bell rings," he said stepping forward.

I took a step back. I did not want to stay with these kinds of people. "I'm sorry, I don't even know who you guys are,"

He palmed his forehead and laughed. "Of course, thanks for reminding me. I'm Greg and these are my friends Jack and Kevin."

Jack the one with a scar on his chin raised his hand while winking and the one called Kevin, who has long unhealthy dark hair gave me a blow kiss.

"And what's your name sweetheart?" he asked stepping forward again.

"S-sang," I stuttered. All of my mother's warnings came flashing through my head, about how men will hurt you and rape you. I did not feel this with the guys I have met before them but this group of guys, they are all giving me bad signs.

"Sang? Can you sing a song?" he asked making the other two laughed.

"I've...gotta go," I said and was about to step away when Greg suddenly grabbed my hands and pushed me to the big tree behind me. "Let me go please," I said, tears were already in my eyes.

"Oh, but we haven't even had fun yet sweetheart," he whispered to my ear. His hand that wasn't holding my hands went under my skirt. My eyes widen. I closed my eyes and hit my head to his. I heard a crunch and saw Greg falling, his hand was holding his nose that was bleeding profusely. I held my head when I felt a headache coming. "You bitch," he said and slapped me. I held my check feeling the burn already. "Grab her," he commanded to his friends. I could feel one grabbing my hands and one grabbing my body.

I struggled. "Help!" I tried to yell but my mother's punishment held me from doing that and all that came out was a pathetic croak.

Greg immediately put his hand over my mouth. "Shut up," he hissed. All three of them brought me to the school's field, but they kept on walking until they reached a shed near the field. I shook my head and began to struggle more. "Stop please!" I said.

They ignored me and walked into the shed. I saw a bed in the corner and they dropped me there. "People will see you," I whispered trying to make them come into their senses.

Greg just grinned evilly at me. "Don't worry about that, this school is very big and the shed isn't even close to the school building. In the past, we used it for storage but now..." he said coming towards me and kneeled the bed. "now it's abandoned." He said.

"Why me?" I asked when he began to trail his fingers on my thighs.

"Don't you know sweetie? Everyone wants you and I always get what everyone wants," he said and began to kiss my thighs. I tried to get away but he was stronger than me and when I used my hands the other hold them and began to kiss them.

I whimpered and closed my eyes. I could not believe this is how I was about to lose my virginity.

Just when I felt the first sign of my sex getting a kiss, the door opened. I was still closing my eyes when I heard men roared and fought. Even though my hands were released, I felt like I was about to pass out. I felt my body being cradled and struggled once more. The hand tightens and I opened my eyes staring at cerulean blue eyes. And then I closed them again.

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