Chapter 2

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I went into the class and saw it was already in session. I stopped near the door to stare at the teacher's back waiting for him to finish erasing the board and turned to me. While waiting I saw everyone was staring at me, I immediately looked down. Feeling uncomfortable being the center of attention. The teacher finally turned around and noticed me standing awkwardly in his class.

"Ah and who might you be?" he asked.

I came forward and gave him a slip of paper. He read through it and smiled at me. "Well, isn't this pleasant? We rarely had newcomers. But welcome anyway." He said to me. He turned to the class, clapping his hand making almost everyone jumped.

"Well, class. We have a new student joining us today. Her name is Sang Sorenson." He then turned me again. "Ms. Sorenson we have a seating arrangement in this class and since you came in late, you can sit next to Mr. Lee. He's the only one with an empty seat left. He's also our brightest student, I hope you can learn a lot from him." I nodded. "Mr. Lee please raise your hand," he called.

A pale hand shot in the air. And I held in my gasp when I saw one of the most handsome guys I have ever seen. I saw how some of the girls looked at me in a hostile way. Makes sense, since this guy even though he looked like a nerd he could also pass as a GQ model. I walked over and sat next to him.

"Alright guys, we're going to watch a historic movie to begin our lesson. I expect none of you to sleep during the movie since there will be a quiz tomorrow regarding this topic." The teacher said. Most of the class groaned. The teacher just smiled and laughed evilly. "Enjoy."

I leaned my back to the chair and wince when it touched my wound. I almost forgot about the fact that my mom whipped me three days ago because Marie 'accidentally' made a glass fall off of the dining table. And since I was near it I was the one who got blamed and punished. I only put some warm cloth and healing gel over it, just to prevent infection. It was still healing and leaning back against hard surfaces are not one of the ways to heal it. I gritted my teeth and took a deep breath.

Surprisingly, it was not only me who took a deep breath. The guy next to me also breathing really hard. I put my hair to the left so it will cover my face from him. And I peeked from between my strands of hair and frowned when I saw him hardening his jaw and looked tensely at the front as if he was seeing something he doesn't like. I looked at the scene of the movie and deduced he probably doesn't like guns and shooting. I kept on staring at him, admiring how smooth his jaw was, how the black spectacles rested gently on his nose, how green his eyes were...

"Can you please stop staring at me?" his mouth suddenly moved and turned to me.

My eyes widen at being caught. "I'm sorry." I said and blushed. He looked at my cheeks and my eyes. He took a deep breath and flinched.

I frowned at his weird behavior and looked at the movie. The whole time I could feel his breathing got harder. Worrying about his health, I turned to him.

"Are you okay?" I asked quietly. I looked up and gasped a bit when I saw his eyes were already staring at me.

"I'm fine." He said tensely. My eyes teared up a bit at how harsh this guy is. I nodded at him and looked back at the movie. What did I do? Why was he being such an ass? Was it not okay of me to ask how he is? I mean, the guy looked like he's one second way before dying seeing at how pale his skin is.

"I'm sorry, that was harsh." He said.

I ignored him and continued watching the movie.

"My name's Dakota Lee. And you're Sang Sorenson?"

I finally looked at him. "How do you know my name?"

His eyes were surprised that I talked to him but went back to being emotionless.

The OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora