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The Commander turned to the Leads on his left, ordering, "seize him! Take him down! He killed our king!"

"No! Don't approach him! He will kill you all!" King Laran called out. "We have to reach the man, not further challenge the war spirit!"

Ignoring him, Leads Voum and Kohn stepped forward, lifting their weapons. "Surrender or die!" Lead Kohn declared, crouching into a fighter's stance alongside Lead Voum, their swords aimed at her mate. The Berserker laughed again and both the Leads attacked simultaneously. The war spirit easily dodged their thrusts and lunges, evading their attacks with smooth, graceful movements. The beast laughed mockingly at the Leads with each missed strike, clearly toying with them. The skill of the war spirit was unmatched. From the first time Cyrene had seen him, fighting against the Serpe Rhumba, she had marveled at its ability and power. Bonding to her had only increased this power.

Finally, the Berserker reached out and grabbed the front of Lead Voum's throat in one large hand, brutally slamming him into the ground, the impact accompanied by the sickening sound of crushed bones. The man cried out, alive, but didn't attempt to move. His pained groans filled the hall.  

Seeing a potential opening, Lead Kohn instantly advanced sweeping his sword at the beast's neck, but the Berserker lunged to the side, avoiding the fatal blow. The speed at which it moved was not humanly possible. Turning and rushing the Lead with another roar, the war spirit reached out and grabbed Lead Kohn's outstretched arm, pulling him in closer. Cyrene questioned this move until the beast sunk its teeth into the soldier's sword arm, tearing out a mass of flesh and tissue and spitting it at his feet. Blood poured from the wound, the man struggling to raise his weapon. Easily knocking the sword from the Lead's grasp, the weapon clattered loudly to the ground and true fear crossed the soldier's face. He would not be walking away from this fight. The Berserker's face broke into an evil smile, enjoying the man's fear. It then brought a huge fist into the Lead's temple, snapping the soldier's head to the side violently, his eyes fluttered closed and he collapsed to the stone floor.

Lifting his head, the beast smiled, showcasing a mouth wet with blood. He was not even breathing heavy. Though he had not killed either man yet, it was obviously by choice that he had not delivered a killing blow. The war spirit could easily destroy everyone in the room. The Berserker bent down and retrieved both Lead's weapons.

"Fetch the archers!" The Commander bellowed, "before he kills us all!" 

King Laran slowly circled the Berserker. "Brother, find yourself! Before they sink dozens of arrows into you."

The war spirit lips split in a cruel grin. "I am not your brother, King. He is here, inside, but I have control. He did not protect her. I will destroy all who threaten her! All who have harmed her!" The beast kicked the dead body of King Brone into the wall and took a menacing step towards the Lobo King, releasing another vicious roar.

The Berserker's roar made her flinch. Cyrene wished that she felt no satisfaction at seeing King Brone's lifeless body slam into the wall. She knew he deserved a trial for the real crime against his people, that this was not justice, this was the Berserker being territorial and protective. She wished she felt injustice at his death, not at the hands of the Skulk, but at the hands of a possessed Lobo warrior, but a peace had settled inside her. There would be no more threats, no more bigotry, no more dishonor.

The man had gotten exactly what he deserved. Hundreds died from his actions with the Serpe. But the war spirit had not done this to avenge her people or restore honor to the Raposo. The Berserker had killed the king simply to protect her. Only for her. She could admit to herself that this brought her a little bit of pleasure. Yet, the action would have terrible consequences. The Raposo would demand his death for killing King Brone. He was not Raposo. He could not exact blood when he was not part of their tribe.

The Archer: Lost Omegas Book 1Where stories live. Discover now