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She tried to pull her head from his grip. His lips were surprisingly soft against hers, but that was the only gentle thing about this. Her scalp burned from his fist grabbing her braids, her mouth was being crushed to his, and his other hand was a vice around her upper arm. This was unpleasant, painful. Yet, it stirred something deep within her.

Don't you dare get aroused. This man is a monster.

She could feel his lips moving agaisnt her, his tongue pushing at her sealed lips. Not a chance. She pressed her lips even tighter and planted her legs, trying to get the leverage to pull herself from his grasp. He merely growled at her, and moved his giant hand from her bicep to her lower back, slamming her body into him.

Finally taking his lips off hers, he breathed, "give in. Let me have you. No man would worship your body the way I will. No man could desire you as much." He brought his lips to the side of her face, kissing a path along her jaw to just below her ear.

"Let me go, Lord Deimos. Now." She bit off. The anger that had boiled unanswered in her stomach all day sprung to new life again. This man and his king were taking women from her people. Like livestock! She tried to shove her arms between them, push him away, but it was shamefully apparant at the strength deficit between them. It was like trying to move a tree.

Completely ignoring her struggles, he whispered into her ear, causing a shudder to run through her, "I've seen your wild spirit. You will never find a worthy mate among these weak alphas. Even now, your body is calling to mine. It knows I am the only one that can tame you- that would be able to fulfill you. Accept me. Accept my claim."

"I am not an animal to be tamed, you arrogant swine!" She lashed out her right fist and the same time she brought up a knee, trying to catch his eye or his balls- whichever he chose not to defend first. As with most men, he raised his leg to block her knee from making impact with his balls, as his head whipped to the right from her punch. She thought his grip would loosen with the action, but tightened on her back and hair. When his eyes met hers, they were not the eyes that were filled with surprise or shock. Instead, his eyes were filled with challenge and the need to dominate. The ever-present red ring around his iris was starting expand, swallowing his dark eyes until only the black pupils remained.

Tightening further on her hair, his other hand sliding down her back to grab her thigh painfully. In the same breath, he slammed her to the earth. His movements were impossibly fast. She could not even move to defend herself before she found her back pressed into the hard ground and his heavy mass on top of her. He used his legs and the painful grip on her thigh to roughly open her legs, allowing his large body between them.

She raised both fists, making a go for his eyes, but he was faster, seeming to expect the move, he grabbed both of her forearms and violently shoved them to either side of her head. Her shoulders cracked in their sockets from the harsh movement. He wrapped his lower legs over hers, driving his hard shins into her calves just above her boots. Pain shot up her legs and her whole body tensed. She flailed and twisted, trying her best to dislodge him or break his grip enough where she could escape. He simply pressed his shins into her legs harder, causing her feet to go numb, and pulled her arms higher on the ground, stretching her till she was sure her shoulders would dislocate from the joints at any moment. In serious pain, she finally stilled and turned her face to look at him, his nose only inches from hers. She could feel his steady, slow breaths across her face. Her eyes met his red ones defiantly.

He bared his teeth, snapping at her, a growl erupting from him. She yelped and jerked her head away, straining her right shoulder even more. She stilled again. Anger at her helplessness and pain from her legs and shoulders filled her. Were she another woman, she might have cried with frustration; but she was Skulk. His growling continued. The berserker was obviously in control. A throaty, hoarse "submit," was growled from the beast. She remained silent, still trying to throw daggers from her eyes. He shifted slightly, pressing more of his weight onto her legs. She was terrified at that moment he meant to break them.

The Archer: Lost Omegas Book 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora