"Open up!" Ryan knocks.

"Pete!" Brendon yells.

Pete jumps. His eyes pop open and he's met with the sleeping face of Patrick. He's so damn gorgeous. So peaceful.

Pete gently slides away to open the door. He tries his hardest to blink the sleep from his eyes.

"Finally!" Brendon groans when Pete opens the door.

His eyes obviously fall onto the unmade bed with Patrick inside the sheets.

"Is he naked?" Ryan frowns.

"He's got boxers." Pete grumbles, walking over to pull the sheets over Patrick's marked chest.

"A failed attempt to cover up the fun you guys had last night." Brendon mock-pouts.

"You guys did too." Patrick mutters. His eyes opens briefly. "Fa-Faster, Ryan!" Patrick mocks the desperate whine in Brendon's voice.

Ryan's face turns a deep pink, and he gently sets the boxes on the ground.

Brendon does the same. "You don't speak of that, I don't speak of this."

"Deal," Pete smirks.

"Thank you," Patrick rubs his eyes, stretching his arms out.

"Will wants you for training." Brendon calls before following Ryan out.

"When?" Pete jumps off the bed.


Pete deflates. He turns to Patrick. "I planned to help you unpack. Do you want to train with--"

"Never again." Patrick groans. "I'll be fine unpacking it all. There isn't much."

"Are you sure?"


"Are you--"

"Pete, if I have to run another lap, I'm puking on you."

Pete frowns. "Can I have a goodbye hug and kiss?"

Patrick grins, hoping out of the bed. He manages his way over-his ass still hurts-and wraps his arms around Pete's waist. His hands move to cup Pete's jawline, and bring him down slightly to connect their lips.

"If you leave the room, leave me a note. The door will be locked, ask Laura to let you in."

"Why can't I have a key?"

"There's only one, and I need it. She's got a universal key." Pete presses his lips to Patrick's once more. "Coach is going to kill me if I'm late." Pete darts off.

Patrick blinks. He sorts through his boxes, still too lazy to dress. At some point, he pulls on Pete's hoodie and a pair of his jeans.

Pete's closet is not too full, and mainly has workout apparel. There's a case of guns against the back wall, and Patrick refuses to go near it. As well, Pete's got one of those suits. The black one with white stripe. He restricts his small wardrobe to a sliver of the massive closet. His shoes go on the floor under his clothes, and the hats go on the rack above them.

The other two boxes slide under the bed perfectly, masked by the nightstands. Patrick decides to make the bed, hoping Pete would come back soon. He doesn't. It's only been thirty minutes. Bored out of his mind, Patrick scribbles out a note and walks out of the room

Very hungry.
I went to get an ID and some food. -Patrick

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