Chapter 6: The Dare

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Midoriya's POV

I was in an alternate room, waiting for the group to be finished with their conversation, planning, really. I was exited to know what they were planning, but also quite nervous. Finally, Kirishima walked into the room I was in, his face completely red from holding in his laughter.
"Yes?" I asked anxiously.
"You are being dared to take-BWAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA" Kirishima burst out.
"I knew he wouldn't be able to do it." Mina muttered from the other room. "Kyota, you're up."
"Yep. Okay." Jirou pushed open the door and walked into the room. "You have to take a sh-HEHEHEHEHE I CAN'T EVEN RIGHT NOW!" She giggled. "KAMINARI YOU'RE UP!" She called. Denki ran into the room.
"We dare you to take a shower with t-OHMYGOSHAHAHAHA" Denki tried to explain.
"You dare me to take a shower with...who?" I furrowed my brows. 'T' could only be Tsu, Tokoyami, or....Todoroki.

"Kaminari, you want me to take a shower with....Todoroki?!?" I realized in horror. He nodded, still on the floor, gasping for air. I took a step back, thinking about how manly Kirishima admitted that he loved Kacchan, and how this dare could change my life forever. I was single, and I never really had a crush; Ururaka was just a friend, but a good one.

But then I thought about how Todoroki had kissed me in spin the bottle, and how he seemed to enjoy it. Also how when he had carried me as I fell asleep in his arms. I guess...maybe I was gay as well.

Todoroki's POV

I couldn't believe my ears. Most thought I was asexual, even I did too, until I came into our dorm on that first day with them, and how I just cared for Izuku as if he were my son. Now, I think that I like him. A lot, to the point where I want to hold him in my arms, watching him sleep so peacefully. It may sound creepy to you but it is actually so fucking adorable. (Stop fantasizing geez Todo, your so gay) Now I have to take a shower with him?! This will end up either horrible or the best time ever.
"Kaminari....who came up with this?" I narrowed my eyes.
"All of us. Well, the first suggestion of making you two do something...sexual, was Bakugou." Denki explained.
"Bakugou?! Really?" I found it somewhat hard to believe.
"Yep. We just all agreed." He said solemnly.

"Get in the shower already, Icyhot! Deku, come on!" Bakugou shouted from the bathroom. I hesitated for a moment, then walked into the huge bathroom that everyone was in. Tsu hopped down from the ceiling. "Go ahead." Bakugou pushed me forward.
"Well, I'm not gonna take a shower with you lot of perverts watching me." I scolded. Momo rolled her eyes and beckoned everyone out. "I'm staying in my clothes. Except for this." I said, pulling my gray, fleece hoodie off.
"Yeah, me too." Izuku agreed. I nodded and got into the already-running shower. It was freezing cold.
"Wait, Midoriya! It's way too cold!" I yelped. I knew Bakugou would pull something like this. I turned the temperature to hot and it became very comfortable, despite my coldly soaked shirt and jeans. Midoriya came into the warm shower, his white t-shirt becoming transparent instantly as it made contact with the water. I could see his faint six-pack and prominent v-line just below it. It made me blush as I looked at it. I was getting very cold in my shirt, and it trapped the cold air in it. "Never mind. My shirt is way too cold." I sighed, yanking my black, long sleeved shirt off.

Midoriya's POV

When Todoroki took his shirt off, my mind whirled. I blush too much. We both started to wash ourselves.
"Can you get my back?" Todo asked awkwardly. I nodded and rubbed his back throughly with soap. I realized then that I had to take off my clothes to wash properly.
"Uhm I'm gonna try to wash other parts of my body than my arms and neck." I felt very weird when he nodded, somehow understanding. I started to take my partly-too-big shirt off, then lowered to my waist, easily stripping my pants off. Todoroki had already took his pants off, too. Now we were left in nothing but our boxers. (Well Todo had socks on) Once I had washed everything but my back and my underwear, I asked Todoroki if he could get my back as well, and he nodded. He started at my shoulders, gradually making his way down to my waistline. When he slowly made his way lower, I gasped, looking at him from over my shoulder.

Todoroki's POV

The look in Midoriya's eyes told me instantly that I had made the wrong choice. I backed away, flustered.
"Todoroki...w-why did you do that?" He stuttered.
"I....I'm sorry..." I sighed. Midoriya turned around, facing me, and buried his face in my chest.
"I love you, Todo." He mumbled in to my chest.
"Midoriya....that's why I did that." I stroked his hair gently. "I love you too."

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