Chapter 3: Arrival

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Todoroki's POV

It was silent as I drove to Yaoyorozu's house. It wasn't an awkward silence, though. It was peaceful. The drive was only about 15 minutes, from the school grounds to Yaoyorozu's giant house.

When we got there, everybody was already there. Denki, Mina, Momo, Kirishima, Sero, Bakugou, Tsu, Tokoyami, Ururaka, and Jirou.
"Hey guys! We thought you weren't coming, and we were about to start!" Ururaka said awkwardly, but cheerfully.
"Start what?" Izuku asked.
"The games, of course!" Jirou said happily.
"Which one first?" I asked.
"Pie Face!" Ururaka, Jirou, Tsu, Momo, Mina, Sero, Kirishima, and Denki said all at once.
"Oh boy." I said slowly but excitedly. Mina got out the frame and whipped cream.
"Who's first?" She asked, squirting a dollop of whipped cream onto the hand thingy.
"Me." Kirishima said. "It's manly."
"Okay. Spin the spinner." Mina giggled. Kirishima flicked the spinner and it landed on 5.
"Oh come on." He complained. He put his face in the frame and started cautiously turned the handles. He turned it the fifth time, and nothing happened. "Yes!" He cheered. He sat up and got abruptly smacked in the face by Bakugou, his hand covered in whipped cream. "Seriously dude?!" Kirishima said, annoyed.
"You got to get it some time." He reasoned. Kiri rolled his eyes and said,
"Well then, Katsuki, you're next.".
"Don't call me Katsuki! How many times do I have to tell you idiots?!" Bakugou complained. "And fine, I'll go next.". He got up and sat, putting his face in the frame. He spun the spinner and it landed on 3. He rolled his eyes and turned the handle quickly 3 times. Nothing. "Deku, you're up." He snickered.
"O-okay..." Midoriya said. He switched places with Bakugou. He flicked the spinner and it landed on 4. "It's gonna be me." He said. He turned the handle very slowly. Once, twice, bam! It hit him on the third turn. His face had a big spot of whipped cream on part of his nose bridge and onto his left eye. "I'm blind!" He giggled as the others cackled, even Bakugou was on the floor. "Todoroki! You go!" He laughed.
"Oh no..." I muttered. I flicked the spinner and it landed on two. I turned the handle anxiously. It hit me on my old burn mark. I laughed as I turned in the mirror, wiping it off and eating it. "Kaminari! Your turn!" I snickered.

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