Chapter 22| Trouble And Ri-Zerø

Start from the beginning

"They're mine!" You yelled, extending your right arm out with your palm facing the ugly, deformed creatures. "Flame Zero Chains!"

Black and white flames blasted out from your palms, at a certain distance away from you, you manipulated the fire to form chains. The chains wrapped around the body of the creature, and did gravity a favor to drag it down.

One by one, the Nomus came down with a loud thud onto the already broken concrete ground. The chains reminded tightly on the creature, showing no signs of weak spots nor breakage. You stopped forming chains and dropped your arm down to your side.

"Matashi wasn't kidding when he said that you mastered your quirk." A older hero that went by the name of Gran Torino said. He was one of the rare heros that believed in you.

"Mhm. I'm going to go now, I smell a faint scent of blood." You quickly realized something. Something bad.

The two pro heros looked at you.

"One wrong move and the boys are going to be victims. They won't see another light." Yuki's voice said, it's been a while since she had last appeared.

You heart started to beat faster, you knew what you needed to do. In a few seconds flat, you had scaled the building walls, and was already jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

Fuck, am I too late? Where the fuck are they? Hell no, keep looking, Akari!

You saw a green flash of electricity from a alleyway up ahead, you recognized that flash of green. Running to the edge of the building, you jumped and launched yourself into the air using one foot.

Shit, I can't stay airborne long without the wings!

Luckily, you landed on top of the building where the flash of green was spotted. You peered down from the roof, Iida injured, Shou and Izu on their feet. Not too injured. The hunched man lunged forward for Shou.

You dropped down like a shooting star, landing in between the villain and Shou in a crouched position with one knee down and the other up. In one quick motion, you send your flames at the villain.

"Ri-Chan?!" You heard Izu cried out behind you.

"Sorry, I'm late." Peering back, Iida was lying on the ground with a pool of crimson blood under him.

"It's been a while, Zero." You snapped your head back towards the voice, your (H/C) hair a blur.

The slightly hunched man was had a long katana, destroyed red scarf that was barely holding together with a mask over his eyes.

"Stain-Kun...." You almost gasped, immediately in a action ready position.

"You know him?" Shou asked you, walking to your right side with a hand on your shoulder. You nodded.

Thoughts ran through your head. You could take Stain down, but the boys were in the way, and you couldn't risk it. You turned your attention back to Stain, but he was already gone.

"SHIT! STAY ALERT!" You frantically looked around, this guy was a dangerous one and fast. Finally, you spotted him, right behind Izu, who was clueless on where the villain was.

Stain had a dagger.

"IZU!!" You yelled, as you jumped and pushed the boy to the ground.

"WATCH OUT!!" Everybody yelled at you, but it was too late.

Everything happened in slow-mo, from the moment you looked up from Izu. The dagger was getting closer and closer to your (E/C) left eye, your react time wasn't fast enough this time.

There was a blood curdling scream from a girl holding her injured left eye, blood dropped onto the ground like rain. Nobody had heard such a terrifying scream in their life.
The blade on the ground, coated with her blood. She quickly brought up other hand to the threat, flaming, hot flames shot out of her palm at her attacker.

"AKARI!!" It was Shou, from your other eye, you saw Shou sending ice shards to Stain.

Everything after that happened in a flash, Iida taking hits for Shou and Izu. And the final hits.

You gave a roundhouse kick to Stain knocking him back, while Shou send upwards with his ice. Stain, unknowingly, fell in the trap formed by the four heros, Iida and Izu took the man out.

After making sure the villain was out for good, Izu ripped some pieces of his costume to stop the bleeding on your eye. The amount of blood was unbelievable.

You took away your left hand, that had a small pool of blood in and dripping from. Everything was black in the left eye, you tried waving your hand in front of it. You couldn't see anything out of it.

"Oh...fuck." You leaned against the wall.

"What's wrong?" Iida asked you, with a questioned expression.

"I think....I fucking eye...I think I'm blind." You bluntly said softly.

Everybody's hearts dropped from their chest.
(A/N) finally, it's spring break! Anybody going anywhere exciting? I know I'm not xD

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