"Stay here."

I said quietly, and he looked at me.


He asked and I looked at him.

"You have to stay here. No matter what you hear, no matter what you see, stay here alright?"

I said and he looked at me, his face confused. "Silver..." And I looked at him, my face a cold mask.

"You need to stay here. You and Emilia. Promise me Covaci." I said, my voice low and dangerous.

"Alright but why?..." And I looked at him. "Because I'm going to end this." I said, and he looked at me. "How?"

He asked and I looked at him. "Just trust me." I said, and he grabbed my hand in his, and I looked at him.

"Don't die for us." And I looked at him.

"I don't care if I die, as long as you two are safe." I said quietly, and pulled my hand out of his grasp, and his hand caught my arm again. I felt him push something into my hand.

"Don't die for us. Because neither of us can lose anyone else." He said, and released my arm again.

I looked at my hand and opened it, and saw his mother's ring. I looked at him and his eyes were full of pain.

"I'll come back. I swear it on Ancient wolves." I said quietly, and he looked at me, and nodded slightly.

I hung the necklace around my neck.

I felt it hang over my chest, and he turned away, as I walked away, ready to deal with Imara. Once and for all.

I walked onto the hill, and Jana stood next to me, and I saw Maddy and her parents, silhouetted against the sky.

With Rhydian and Ceri beside them, with a smaller black wolf that must be Bryn. I felt my courage solidify as my family walked down to us.

"You may be the Supreme Tracker. But even you can't save everyone." Imara said, and I looked at her, my eyes glowing, and my veins rippling under my skin. "I don't need to."

"I only need to save my pack."

And I threw back my head, and howled, my veins running up my face, as wolfbloods.

From the Wild Pack and Tame Packs alike, raced up, onto the hill that was overlooking Newcastle, as humans and wolves alike. "And I don't need to be an alpha." I said and felt the wolf reaching the control breaking point.

"Because I'm a Tracker."

And I suddenly scented it, the scents I made swear not to move. Emilia and Matei ran up, and stood next to Jana and I, with TJ only steps behind.

"We don't let anyone take our punishments for us!" Emilia snarled and I looked at her.

"Wild wolfbloods or not!" Matei snarled, and the Segolian wolves surrounded us, and I howled loudly.

With everything I had, and they backed up quick, and they were looking between Imara and myself, their eyes uncertain beyond belief.

"And I'm the Supreme Tracker."

And Imara's eyes glowed, and she veined up. Within seconds, I was facing off with a big black wolf.

"Back off!"

I roared, at the other Segolian wolfbloods, as they backed up fast.

"Rhydian, Matei, Emilia. Cover flanks. The rest of you, run like hell." And I dove forward, and came up as a wolf, as Imara lunged at me.

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