I'm going away

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I slid the small piece of paper over to Zoey. She nodded and took it. I watched her closely as she unfolded it. Her face dropped as she read the words. A few minutes later we were allowed to talk until the bell rings. 

"So you're leaving." She said, still starring directly in front of her.

I nodded. and whispered a small 'yes'.

"When." She stated in a monotone voice.

"Not sure yet. Whenever we find a house."


"Not sure yet either. Where ever a house is that's out of this town.." 

I looked to the ground and wondered what to say next. A silence followed and not too long after, the bell interrupted it. Zoey got up and walked out of the small room. She usually waits for me, so I know she's upset. I don't know what to do. I didn't want her to get hurt. I just wanted to do something for myself for once. I could tell she was upset right as she talked in that monotone voice of hers. She normally has a cute little giggle to her words or an evil little growl to them. This time, neither. That was a rare sight for her to do that. 

I went through the rest of the day, wishing to be gone already. Why can't I leave now? I thought to myself repeditivley. I just want to leave this old town. This town isn't anything special, I'm not anything special, why should it matter if I leave? 

At the end of the day I walked over to the table that we always meet at and sat down next to Logan. 

"Hey broooo." He said.

"Hey." I replied.

"Supppp" He said slowly, raising his hand for a high-five.

I returned the high-five and proceeded to mess up his brown locks. 

"Youuu fuckk." He whined.

Tyler and Jen walked over to the table and threw their bags against the wall. Jen sat on the table next to us as Tyler came to give me a hug.

"Hugs are so awkwarddd!" I complained.

"What no they're not!?!" Tyler laughed.

"Yeah they are! You like.. put your body? like on another body? And it's awkward! And your arms are just-" I began to move my arms in an awkward fashion before continuing, "It's weird!"

He laughed and walked back over to Jen. Little Erica soon joined and jumped up on the table. She sat with us and we all just joked around while listening to our favorite bands through our headphones. I looked around and watched the younger kids running past us and the older ones making fun of them. This school is so predictable by now. It's all the same. We wake up, go to school, sit at the table, go through classes, go to lunch, go through more classes, sit at the table, go home, sleep, and repeat. Same thing every day until you get used to it, then who knows what. 

I snapped back into reality and saw  two freshman walking away awkwardly as Jen bursted with flames. She looked like she could kill a man. Then, she let out a loud and angry moan.

"UGHH! Fucking freshman!" She yelled.

I nudged Erica and asked, "What'd I miss?"

"A few freshman decided to be annoying twats to Jen, bad move. She definitely scared them away though.. It was hysterical. Oh god I'm dying." She laughed. 

I let out a small chuckle and decided to leave a bit earlier today. Logan was leaving so I just walked out with him.

"See yaaa." He said.


I put in my headphones and began walking down the road towards my house. I sang the along to the words in my head and thought about when I'd be able to leave. The songs I listen to always have some relevance to what's going on.

"She left her books, her car, her clothes and a note, but all she wrote was, 'Tonight I'm leaving on a train'" Rang through my ears. The song was by Mayday Parade and definitely one of my favorites. Sometimes I wish I could leave literally everything and just leave on a train. 


Short chapter short short shorrrttt! :p Off to write in the others~

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