The Present

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Brandon barged in through the doors yelling something about the man at the grocery store. It startled me enough to fall off the couch. 

"Brandon. Brandon! Shut up! Stop! Wait. Okay. Now say it again." I interrupted.

"The man, at the store, was such a DICK. Like okay so I wanted to smoke a cigarette so before I went in I smoked one and this worker guy comes out and is like 'sorry but that kills you and everyone around so can you stop'. So I told him no and to piss off but he was like 'I'd really appreciate it.' So then I asked if it was the policy at the store and he said no he just doesn't like it. THEN we got in this huge fight and he called me a faggot!"

"WHAT? Oh hell no."

"Yeah! So I kicked him in the balls."

"He deserved it! So then what happened?" I sat criss cross on the floor and listened to his story.

"Um he apologized and said he didnt mean it that way and he's gay too so we're going on a date tomorrow night!" Brandon blushed. What the actual fuck.

"But. You just kicked him in the balls."

"Yeaaahhh well you know, all couples have their issues. Im going upstairs."

I shook my head and chuckled. "So Chris? What do you want to do today?" 

"We couldddd go bowling?"

We discussed what to do and eventually we decided on going to a put-put place. There's a cosmic put-put inside the mall that we really like going to. Everything is under black lights and it's really artistic. 

Once we got there the place was practically empty. Only one person was working and there was only one other group of people. Chris and I went and picked out the color of our ball and putter and began putting. I was so much better than Chris. It was great. I beat him by a ton.

Half way through the course though, we heard a woman start crying. Chris and I were pretty far back in the course so we couldn't see who it was. We ran through to check it out and the worker was laying on the floor, clutching her stomach. It was hard to see, but I could make out the faintest sight of blood surrounding her hands. 

"Chris.." I whispered, "Call an ambulance." 

"He's still here." cried the worker.

"Shhhh. It's going to be okay." I cooed. I leaned down next to her and cradeled her, trying to help her get comfortable in any way possible. I looked up at Chris and all the blood was drained from his face. Panic filled every inch of his body. I could tell that I probably looked the same. 

I wanted to leave, run, just get as far away as possible but I couldn't leave this poor girl to bleed to death.

"No signal." Chris whispered, looking at his phone in shock. Of course there wasn't signal. There's never signal in moments like these. I guess we're about to live a horror movie. I looked around the room and saw him. Standing in the corner, there was a man holding a knife. He had brown shaggy hair and it looked like he hadn't shaved in a while. I couldnt help it. I screamed.

He smiled and rushed at us. Chris jumped in front of me and the girl and tried to push the man away. The man ended up tackling Chris and it ended up being a pretty even fight. Chris knocked the knife out of his hand and pinned him to the floor.

"Go!" Chris shouted, "Get help! Now!"

I stood up and had the girl wrap her arm around me as I helped walk her out. I yelled at everyone to help us. About 10 people pulled out their phones and dialed 911. A couple in their 40's sat us down and started helping the wounded worker. 

"I have to go back in. My boyfriend. He's in there. With.. the the guy the one who stabbed...." I stuttered.

"You can't do that! It's safer out here! Stay here!" 

"I.. I cant! I've got to go back in!" I said as I ran back into the put-put place. Chris was still on top of the man and I grabbed the knife off the floor. "I got help. They're on their way!" 

"Good. Help me hold him!" I helped hold down the mans wrist until the authoritys came and took him away. The worker woman had to go to the hospital and get stitches. Chris and I had to give statements. We went home after an hour or so. I don't think anything has been that terrifying in my entire life. It started out with just a nice game of put-put.

Brandon greeted us at the door with a big goofy grin. His smile faded when he saw how sweaty and pale we were. "What. The fuck. Happened?" 

We told him the story and he hugged us quite a lot. After it was all over, neither of us could sleep. We ended up having another movie marathon in silence. 

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