C1 : "Prologue?"

Începe de la început


I just remembered something. 'The third Bell hasn't ring yet!' I thought depressingly as I crouched and pulled my hair while uncomfortable cusses were released from my mouth. I should've stayed in that room longer even though it was boring. Suddenly an idea popped inside my head. Eureka!

-I'll just stay here-

But not in this position. I then stood up and stand beside the office's door like a proper student would do. I saw one of the male student council pass by me as he stops and eyed me. Damn it! Stupid student council strolling around the school! Let me loiter for a bit...

"Miss Shirosaki, why are you standing beside the door...Didn't we have to stroll around the school?"

Sh*t! I forgot that I was also one of the members inside the club. I was silenced for a while and spoke to my other fellow members.

"Ah. I'm waiting for my duty partner."

I lied as he seemed to beam a bit.

"So you're waiting for Sir Bennett. How nice of you Miss Shirosaki..."

He complimented me as I nod and pretend to be humble. Soon after our short conversation ended as we bid our goodbyes. My straight posture slowly loosened up as my back became like Gru from Minions. Ughh...that was exhausting... When will the damn Bell ring already...


Ah! Speak of the devil. I thank myself for my patience. Now let's go to the cafeteria~ Wait...My bento. I better grab that first. Thankfully my class is not far from the cafeteria.

I walked or more like skipped to my class as I grab my delicious bento made by the worldwide chef possessing unthinkable beauty and kind to all, me. I'll be enjoying you once I arrive at the cafeteria. So be better pray for your sins since you'll be dying and your afterlife is inside my stomach. As for your reincarnation is ending up in the toilet bowl.

My foot stepped inside the cafeteria as I searched for a spot. I've finally found one beside the large window and the greatest thing is, there's no one! I joyfully walked towards the table and sat on one of the blue chairs. The cafeteria was full of chatter but it fades from my ears as I enjoyed my food.

My bento for today is fried lamb cut to small pieces with black pepper sprinkled all over it. With the side of green salad as cute cherry tomatoes cut in half adding some color to it. A balanced lunch indeed.

"I t a d a k i m a n s u."

I whispered as I dig in. The lamb melted inside my mouth as it's easily chewed and swallowed. I grab the green salad as I place a half cherry tomato beside it was the meat. I wrap it into a ball as I push it inside my mouth.


It's as if a bomb was thrown at me. Delicious I continue eating with pure bliss as I emptied my bento box. I grab my mineral water and drink it till it's empty to the brim. Satisfied with the luxury lunch I've placed my utensils and thanked for the food.

"G o s h o u s a m a desu."

With that, I've packed my bento and stood up to exit the cafeteria full of chatter. I wonder what they gossiping about... Mah! Who am I to care. I should live peacefully in this life since I've given a chance to live as a cannon fodder. Unlike my last one. Wah~ can't believe that I died because of stress too much...

"Shirosaki Hana!"

I snapped from my thoughts as I faced with troublesome fleas. I felt a vein popped above my head as the whole cafeteria chatters quiet down and the spotlight was on me. I'm touched that you remember my name and forgive me not remembering yours...

I stare at their angered faces for a bit and continue to walk as I pass by them. Not before patting the shoulder of the person who shouted my name. I went closer to his ear as speak in a whispered tone.

"If you're going to throw cold water on me. Here is not the place."

With those words, I didn't take a second to watch their reaction as I walk to my next class. Is this the end of the 'prologue'? Is there going to be more chapters after this?!

'Tch, How troublesome...'


END OF CHAPTER 1: "Prologue?"
-1227 words

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