Part 13-Some unsolved mysteries!

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Ishaan - Just listen to me yr!

Riya - I guess he's right San, just tell Ali to cum back.

San - Ok. (in the microphone which is connected to Ali's earpiece) Ali, are u there? U hav to abort the plan, come back soon, there's news. Come fast.

Meanwhile in Avneil room

Ali's pov

What!? Why did San ask me to abort the plan suddenly? I just hope nothing bad has happened! And as if all this is not enough confusing that Neil and Avni also had to behave so weird! Well, ok not so weird but still. There's something going on here. Well, pack up Ali! Chip chop spit spot let's go!

Pov end

Ali - Have a good day sir and ma'am!

Avni and Neil pass smile to him as Ali leaves.

@ Sanskruti's room

Aliya and Sanskruti are sitting in a circle waiting for Ishaan to break the news to them.

Ishaan - guys, so when I went in Sashwat's room, I saw that....

Riya - What did u see?

Ishaan - I saw a big structure covered with a sheet. When I removed the sheet I saw.............

San - come on Ishaan speak up!!

Ishaan - I saw a collage of Avni's pics!!! Even I hadn't seen some of them till today!!

Aliya and San were shocked to the core!!!

Ishaan - And to top all of this, I heard Sashwat talking to someone over the phone and he said that he cud go to any extent to win Avni, also he was talking abt some plan.

Riya - What!! I never thought Sashwat wud turn out like this!!

San - Exactly!!!

Ishaan noticed Ali sitting there drowning in deep thought.

Ishaan - Ali, what happened, why are you silent? You didn't know about all this, did you??

Ali - No! Guys actually, remember that party which was at my friend's cafe? That day when we all were leaving after the party, I saw Sashwat at the back side of the cafe, he was talking to someone, probably a girl, I mean, I couldn't see her or his face but it looked like a female figure. Maybe it's......

Riya - connected to all this.

Riya completed his sentence.

Sanan - But guys, we think we Shud rest this topic as of now, we'll do something about this once we reach Mumbai.

Ali - Even I agree, as we definitely won't be able to do anything here as we have to leave in some time.

Riya - I agree. But guys, just keeps ur eyes and ears open, just in case we get any clue.

The others hum in response.

Time skips
Lunch time
@ the dining hall.

The gang is sitting together and having lunch. Aliya and Sanan ate sitting side by side whereas Avni is sitting in between the guys (Neil and Sashwat) opposite the couples.

Riya - guys I'll miss this place so much!

Sans - of course! Such a beauty it is!!

Ishaan - Same here mahn!

All this while Ali was observing Neil stealing glances at Avni.

Ali - What about u Neil?

Neil - (no response)

AvNeil ff -Love is to healKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat