It's not my child! (Trigger Warning!)

Start from the beginning

The next day you went with Zen over to Jumin's place.
This brought back memories, good and bad ones, your past.
You waited until he opened the door.
His face was surprised at first but he seemed a bit....happy.
,,Oh! Mc...what can I do for you?'' he didn't know what to say but you knew, he was flustered.
,,Hello, Jumin. I hope I'm not disturbing you. I came to pick up my stuff, please read it.'' you handled him over the letter.
Just now he realized hat Zen was holding your hand.
,,You divorce?'' he said almost mumbling.
,,Yes, Jumin.'' you answered him, still smiling to not cry.
He looked at you ,,Okay. Thank you for your time and love, Mc. I will fill out the papers.'' he answered.
You were kind of hurt that he didn't look sorry or sad at all.
You tried to stay strong and he...but after all he was the one who couldn't show any feelings...
You took his wrist to calm him down ,,Zen please don't scream. It's okay."
" Zen was disappointed in Jumin. The one who promised to protect you with all his power...he was now letting you go.

,,I'm going to work in my Room. You know what to do, Mc." Jumin disappeared into his room while you packed your things together with Zen.
The bed you slept in with Jumin, the couch which made you relax with Jumin, the clothes he bought you, the necklaces, bracelets and the earrings....
You left everything there which was too expensive. After all nothing of this was yours.
You looked through the room once more and decided to go.
Zen was already outside. You stopped in front of his door.
You wanted to knock but stopped. Elizabeth the 3rd approached you and meowed.
,,Hey beauty! Take care of him, okay? Make him happy and....give him the love I couldn't give him."
You stroked her and screamed ,,Jumin! I'm going! I'm truly sorry for all this... please don't hate me even if it's hard to like me after this.... I hope this helps know, moving forward..." with tears in your eyes you left the place you once called home.
You didn't know what you waited for, these five minutes in front of the door.
Maybe, that he would just come and ask you to come back? Was this your wish?
,,What are you feeling right now, Jumin?" you asked loud before going. This time for real.
,,Mc..." on the other side you couldn't see Jumin, crying silently in his room.
Crying for you, your embrace or your lovely voice.
He heard everything you told his cat.
He wished he could have the courage to leave his damned room and beg you to come back home.
To beg you to try it again.
,,I'm sorry...sorry that I'm too weak...." his cries filled the house as you closed the door.

He still could hear your laughter in his ears, your footsteps and your knocks. Working was impossible right now.
He hated the document named ,,Divorce".
The sign of his failed marriage.
Months passed, he felt depressed every time you entered the chat room.
But he was reviled to see you normal. And that your pregnancy was fine.
The divorce would take more time but it was fine. As long as you were happy, he was too.

,,IT'S A GIRL!" Zen posted a picture in the chat room.
Yoosung and Jaehee were there with him.
Seven wanted to go to the hospital too. The only one who didn't come was Jumin.
He just read the messages in the chat room. Everyone was talking about Mc's daughter.
This could also be his daughter. But, he let you go. He left you, all by yourself.
He wanted to work again but someone entered his room.
Jumin looked up. The one he wanted to see at last was here-his father.
After he told him about the divorce and the pregnancy, Chairman Han was shocked and depressed.
He felt as if he had the daughter he never had. And now?
,,Son, could you tell me once more why you left your pregnant wife?"
,,Father. I've told you already why. She got pregnant by her rapist and I couldn't bear with it...and she left with Zen and fell in love with him." Jumin explained.
Chairman Han took a chair and his phone.
He showed Jumin a picture.
,,You took a picture of Mc's daughter? You actually visited her?!"
Jumin was shocked. Why did his father act like this?

,,I knew this...yes. I visited her. But no, this isn't her daughter." Jumin looked at his father.
,,This is you. You look exactly the same as her daughter."
The world began to spin for Jumin.
You got pregnant, but found out after the rape.
You left him and your daughter looks like him....
Could it be...?
,,My son. You left your pregnant wife and lost your first daughter." The Chairman looked at his son.
Jumin's eyes got red.
He lost his wife and child...he was selfish.
Jumin was afraid he couldn't bear to love a child which wasn't his and let you leave.
But this child....was his own.
,,! I will talk to her! We will take-"
,,No. You won't ask her. You decided to let her go. And she decided to start over. Even if this is your child, in my eyes you have no rights to destroy this little family in the hospital." Jumin's father was about to leave but turned once more ,,You're my son after all. If you really loved would have accepted this child...but you couldn't."
Chairman Han left Jumin behind, a crying mess.

Three years later

,,Come on Baby! Let's go and visit the party! Daddy's waiting in the car!" you laughed at your daughter.
She resembled Jumin so much.
You noticed that she was Jumin's daughter and Zen probably too.
But you left Jumin and he let you go. You wanted him to be happy. And he didn't stop you. But Zen was there for you. He made you happy.
,,Here you are! Uncle Yoosung is waiting for us!" Zen laughed happily as you opened the car.
,,Sorry Zenny! Your daughter wanted to look pretty for Yoosung..."
,,Uh? No! You can't princess! Uncle Yoosung is no good for you!" Zen stroked your pregnant belly as he talked to his daughter.
,,Mommy? Is the big man there today?" she asked a bit blushed.
,,You mean Jumin? Yes, he is." you answered.
,,Daddy hates big man? Daddy's stronger!" she shrieked happily.
Every time Jumin came up, Zen looked a bit sad but he still smiled at his daughter.
,,Of course, princess!"
,,HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE YOOSUNG!" the little girl ran into her favorite Uncle's arm.
,,Hey! I'm happy that you're here!" he laughed.
,,PUT MY DAUGHTER DOWN!!" Zen was so protective. You looked happy together.
You looked at Jumin.
He looked at your little family, at the girl.
Did he notice?
,,How are you, Mc?" Seven asked you as he looked at your tummy.
,,Ah! The boy is doing well! He's moving so much! It's a big trouble to sleep!" you told him.

,,You are the big man! My daddy's stronger!" you suddenly heard your daughter laughing at Jumin. His puzzled face scared you a bit.
,,Ae-Jeong! Don't talk like that! Apologize to him!" you scolded her.
She looked at you and then at Jumin ,,I'm sorry...DADDY!"

Ae-Jeong ran to Zen and hugged him.

Once again, Jumin thought about what would have happened, if you would have stayed with him.
Would you be pregnant with his son now?
Would you kiss him now the way you kissed Zen?

He would never know because he let you go and you were happy now, with Zen and your family, which could have been his. 

Mystic Messenger Headcanons, OneShots and FanFics Part 1Where stories live. Discover now