MC + RFA watching DeadPool together

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,,Mc. Do people really watch something like this?''
,,Yes Jumin. Normal people watch this.''
You told him, put your favorite DVD into the DVD player and watched the movie.
It was unbelievable but Jumin was so into it!
,,Mc! Look! That's amazing!"
Once the movie ended, he was amazed.
,,I would do the same thing for you." he told you and kissed you.
He was so romantic saying this.
,,I love you too. My lovely DeadPool" you told him


It's not that he dislikes the movie.
He just dislikes the actors.
He would be always annoyed looking at you, with your shining eyes for another man.
,,Omg Omg look at Ajax! He looks amazing.
But Deadpool is still the hottest! And so romantic..." at the end he would really be happy.
He would take you and press you against the bed.
,,Are you sure that they are all hotter than me? Really?''
And with that he kissed you.


He loves this movie and so while you would watch it quiet, he would begin to talk about it
,,Oh no! What's happening? MC! LOOK!''
And this over and over
,,Yoosung, I know this movie, we're watching it for the 7th time now.''
He began to cry when the lovers were together again
,,Look MC! I somehow did the same for you'' and with this you kissed him.


The two of you wanted to find a move with Zen to be honest
but there wasn't anything and when you saw DeadPool, you thought, it could be good.
You watched it together and it was really good!
You drank coffee some snacks and were just so much into it.
When the movie ended, you wanted to rewatch it.
,,Do you think Zen will be sad?''
,,Nah, he won't know it!''
And at this day, you rewatched the movie 3 times without being annoyed.


Why watching if you can play it?
Seven would be DeadPool and Saeran would play Weasel while you would play Vanessa.
You played your roles while watching the movie
,,Saeran! You need to fight me with more-''
,,Shut the fuck up, Saeyoung!''
,,I'm DeadPool!''
and it's sure- the twins would just love the movie and hype it.

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