Run Just Run

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Leon and Jenny and The Boy ran and ran and ran until they couldn't run anymore! Just then when they stopped the Door shut behind them! The Boy said "Stuck?!, Are We Stuck?" Leon looks around him and the others and said "Yes!, we are pretty much Stuck yes!, No way in!, now way out!" So Leon said "Stick with me you two!, If the Island isn't going to stop this!, then I will!" So they Walked slowly as Leon found a lamp left on the Side he turned it on to light the way! "This should keep us going in the Right way until we find out where the hell this is!" They moved further and further! Then a Voice Spoke from from the Distance "HELLO!, WHO ARE YOU?" The Boy got scared as he his behind Leon as all there was is a Mysterious Voice and a Dark Hall with nobody in sight! "I want to ask the same question!, Who Are You?" Leon said Bravely trying to get an answer to all of this! "I am Scott!" Leon took a step back as even Jenny hid behind him! "Who is Scott" he replied. "Scott Stery!, but you can call me the Legend Of The Island!" Leon says "Okay!, are you doing all of this on the Island are you trying to make Illusions of Something?" The tone of his Voice gets louder "Maybe?!, That's a question your asking yourself!" 

Just then there was no more to be heard of his Voice and the Door opened back up again and Leon ran through the Door as the Ground was shaking really Big and there was lots of Noise! "The Sky is Yellow!, that can't be good surely!" then Leon looked deeper into the distance and saw a lot of things charging towards him! "That's my Ghost!, The Two People!, WOAH!, Red Spark!" Leon falls to the Ground as they are all charging at him "Have I done all of this beofre?!, I have!, Haven't I?!" They continue to charge at him and the Red Spark hits the ground and it made an absolute massive Explosion on the Island! He ran back inside and he shouted "RUN!, Just Run!, RAMPAGE HEADING THIS WAY!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2019 ⏰

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