"Clarke.." Raven put her hand on my shoulder. "Our friends are waiting for us" and with that, she led me to her car and we went directly to our friend's place.

*end of the flashback*

I was helpless. I wanted to wake up and realize all of this was just a dream. Not a dream, an infernal nightmare. I pulled my phone out of my jeans's pocket and dialed one of the few numbers I could compose with my eyes closed. I wasn't expecting an answer at all, but I was still disappointed when no one picked up.

*beep* "Hey this is Lexa. I'm unable to answer for now, but leave a message and I will call you back as soon as I can". The sound of her voice echoed in my head. My hands started to shake at the thought that I might never hear her voice anymore. No. Don't think like that. Lexa is strong and she will be okay. She has to be okay.

I dialed her number again and again and listened to her message again and again. "Answer! Lexa answer!" I yelled at my phone. When the message ended for the tenth time, I threw my phone at the other couch as hard as I could. I knew I would regret throwing it on the wall because it would've break. I started to sob and I just, couldn't stop.

I felt strong arms wrapping themselves around me. It was definitely Lincoln. "Lexa is the strongest person I know. She would never give up. I know she will fight to come back. Come back to us. Come back to you.." he declared with a quiet voice.

Other people joined the embrace. I suddenly felt so lucky. Lucky that I wasn't alone to face this. I realized I wasn't the only one who was sad. I had to be strong. For Bellamy. For Murphy. For Monty. For Anya. For everyone. Lexa may be my best friend, but she was also really close to everyone standing in the room. Plus, she wasn't the only one missing. Three of my friends' girlfriends were also missing.

"I love you guys" I cried. "We love you too" Everyone murmured.

I had the sudden need to yawn, which I did. It caused almost everyone to yawn too. "I think we should all get some rest" Lincoln suggested. We all silently nodded. "I have plenty of unused toothbrushes for everyone in the bathroom. Get casual and comfortable. You're all home here" Lincoln explained with his usual welcoming tone.

I helped him with Octavia to set up the beds. He let Jasper and Maya have his bed. Lincoln was going to sleep in the guest bedroom with Octavia. We pumped the air mattress for the three boys and two other for me, Raven, Luna and Anya.

Before going to sleep, I went outside to take some fresh air. The cold air filling my lungs was relaxing and soothing. "Lexa.. Where are you?" I wondered talking to the moon. "Come back to me. I need you" I admitted. "Goddammit it's crazy how much I need you. More than I could admit I do" I shook my head imagining how she would react to me saying that. She would probably have a cocky and overconfident smirk plastered on her face. She would probably annoy me with that for the rest of my life. God knows how annoying and frustrating she can be some times. But I would give everything I have for her to annoy me right now.

A hand patted my shoulder. I turned around hoping Lexa would be standing there with a smile on her face. Instead, it was her sister. "Sorry I'm not who you wanted it to be" Anya guessed what I was thinking about. All I managed to do his give her a weak smile. "Knowing my sister" Anya started. "She would come back running if she knew how you feel right know" she snorted. I looked down at my feet and chuckled. It was a hundred percent true. Lexa always became so angry when she learned that I was sad or angry.


"What happened Clarke?" Lexa questioned me. "It was nothing" I tried to convince her. "Don't try to fool me Clarke. We've been best friends our whole life. I know when something is wrong. Now, tell me what happened" Lexa didn't really let me a choice.

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