Imperfect part 2: Era 3

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Our Pearl is referred to as Pink Pearl, just to clear up any confusion.
'Narrator pov.'
"I'll see you as soon as we're introduced." Pink giggles to her Pearl as they grasp each other's hands. Her pearl blushes with a small smile.

"Yes my Diamond." She murmurs with a smile.

"Do you think they know that we're like that? Or do they just assume we're fusing as part of the ceremony?" Luna whispers to her Pearl as they watch them.

"I've never been good at hiding my adoration." Her Pearl hums as she looks slightly down at her.

"I can't wait to fuse with you...I wonder what she'll look like." Luna murmurs. Pearl hums as she reaches out to curl a strand of wild hair around her finger. The young Diamond blushes with a smile. An aquamarine appears to get the Diamonds lined up and they watch giddily as Pink is introduced.

"Behold her glimmering childishness, Pink Diamond!" Pink Pearl announces. Pink smiles as she bounds through the curtains and picks her Pearl up. They whirl around and their fusion emerges with an elegant laugh.

"Well what do you know, it's a Rainbow cameo!" She giggles as she carefully spins and dances.

"Prepare yourselves for the stunning somberness that is Blue Diamond." Blue Diamond's pearl whispers as her Diamond glides into the room effortlessly. The Pearl spins and makes a pose that her Diamond copies, and they fuse effortlessly.

"An Aqua Quartz rises for the occasion." The fusion mumbles as she slowly glides around the first fusion.

"Witness the electric beauty that is Yellow Diamond!" Yellow Pearl calls as she smirks smugly. Her Diamond struts in before holding an open palm downward. Her Pearl pirouettes before turning to her Diamond and holding her hand upward. Their fusion appears and chuckles smugly at the room.

"A Lemon Quartz appears to shock and awe." She chuckles before strutting to join her sister fusions.

"All smile under the imperfect love of their new White Diamond, Luna." White Pearl coos as her Diamond walks to her with a smile. Their fusion dance is intimate and filled with smiles, before their forms glow and become one.

"Love makes a Milky Quartz appear to rule." The fusion says calmly. The gems gathered applaud as the Diamond's inner courts trail into the room.

"Aw I'm the shortest!" Rainbow Quartz whines. Aqua gives her a small smile while Lemon purses her lips.

"Dance with me!" Milky begs Aqua as she grabs her. The blue gem blushes in embarrassment as they spin around the ballroom.

"You two look great together. A lovely shade of Blue." Milky smiles at her sister.

"Oh, thank you. It's all thanks to Luna though. It's so strange being fused, but I never want to stop." Aqua hums.

"I like being me, but being me all the time isn't for Luna and Pearl. They prefer being able to hold and see each other." Milky replies

"I understand that. Perhaps fusing on special occasions is more their speed." Aqua hums as she reaches up to stroke the Pearl on her chest. After a second she realizes what she's doing and stops with a dark blue blush.

"Haha, Blue you pervert!" Milky squeals. Aqua chuckles as she tucks back a piece of hair.

"Oh wow, your eyes." Milky gasps. Aqua nods as her eyes attempt to look in the same direction.

"It's easier to keep them closed." She mumbles.

"Hey. You look perfect together. Everyone looks perfect together." Milky sighs as they turn to look at the assembled gems. Some are shyly fusing but most are just enjoying being able to dance together for the first time.

"Take care of her, Pearl." Aqua whispers to Milky before gliding away.

"Oh but it's such a chore." Milky teases herself.

"You cried yesterday because your hair came out of its ribbons!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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