A better homeworld

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'Narrator pov.'
"I'm so excited! I can't wait to see how Homeworld has changed." Steven gushes to Blue Diamond as her ship lands.

"I think you'll like it. It's been...a difficult adjustment. Many gems have stuck to their old posts, but some are already seeking new positions and there have even been some couples coming forth as fusions. I even saw a fusion composed of four gems the other day." Blue hums as she smiles down at him. She stands and picks Steven up gently. Pearl and blue Pearl follow them before they're transported to the surface of the arm. Stairs come up from the dock and Blue Diamond starts down them as gems assemble to greet them.

"I thought you'd like to meet some of the gems helping in the reinvention of Homeworld." She explains as they come to the bottom of the stairs.

"Welcome back, my Diamond!" A Charoite says as she salutes them with a smile. Her skin is marbled white and purple, she has a black screen hiding her eyes, and she's wearing a loose dress with arm bands.

"Steven, this is my new head scientist. She's studying new ways to peacefully colonize planets without endangering the natives. Usually Charoites are performers with high places in court." Blue explains as the gem smiles at them.

"Before Era 3, I was meeting in secret with a Peridot who was teaching me about science. I'm actually really good at it." The Charoite smiles. A peridot behind her blushes and laughs nervously.

"Oh wow, you're from Era 1 aren't you?" Steven asks the tall green gem. Her hair hangs down to her shoulders, and her gem is on her arm

"Ah, yes. I am." She says shyly.

"Per used to be the head scientist, but she's a mural maker now! She made one of me that's so pretty!" The Charoite says excitedly as she grabs the Peridot's arm.

"You make murals? That's so cool!" Steven smiles.

"T-thank you." The Peridot mumbles. The Charoite whispers to her with a small frown and the Peridot nods. The gems behind them step back and they fuse effortlessly. Their fusion is a little smaller than Opal, with shiny grey skin and long red orange hair.

"Apologies, my Diamond, Peridot gets nervous quite easily." The Hematite says smoothly.

"Why do Peridot and Charoite wear each others colors?" Steven asks. The Hematite smiles and looks to their Diamond.

"It's something a few gems have started doing. If you're exclusive, you wear the colors of your partner to show that you're taken. I suppose it doesn't work on me." Blue Diamond chuckles as she plucks at the see through shawl she's wearing.

"Whaaat?" Steven whispers as his eyes sparkle. Blue Diamond looks down to her Pearl and the gem blushes as she gently touches a diamond shaped hair clip holding her hair from her eyes. 

"That's so cute!" Steven gasps.

"Wait until you see Yellow and her pearl. They've been Lemon Quartz ever since gems started fusing in public."


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