Moto Moto

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'Narrator pov.'
Watching the corrupted gems heal is...beautiful. Even the Diamonds awkwardly looming over the pool can't ruin this moment. It almost brings a smile to Lapis' lips. She adjusts the sunglasses Steven had placed on her and gazes at the healing gems.

"Lapis. I think Jasper likes your new outfit." Peridot murmurs with a grin as she nudges her. Lapis turns to where the gem is hiding most of her form under the water. Amethyst is trying to coax her out but her eyes gaze sadly at Lapis. When their eyes meet Jasper sinks even lower into the healing liquid and Amethyst sighs.

"Watch these." Lapis says as she tosses her glasses at Peridot. The green gem scrambles to catch them as they fly almost over her head. Lapis runs a hand through her hair before placing a foot on the water and strolling toward Jasper. She leaves small rings in the water as she walks on it. Amethyst grins before changing her form into a fish and swimming away. Jasper gazes up at her as she kneels on the water.

"Hey." Lapis says.

"I'm such an idiot." Jasper croaks.

"Hey. It was your home colony. You thought your Diamond was shattered. It...would have made anyone an idiot. Even this specimen." Lapis chuckles as she touches Jasper's cheek. She lets herself drop into the water gracefully and big arms wrap around her slowly.

"I'm tired of being the perfect Jasper." The tall gem sighs. Even just being reformed for mere minutes, she has bags under her eyes.

"I'm tired of being a grumpy Lapis." Lapis breathes. Jasper starts to lean forward but pauses and looks away. Lapis smirks and leans forward to brush their lips together. Steven sees the glow out of the corner out his eye and turns to watch them fuse. When the light dims, a decidedly healthy looking Malachite is standing there hugging herself. She's a bit smaller than Opal and her bottom pair of arms stay wrapped tight around her waist as the top ones release her shoulders.

"Malachite!" Steven squeals as his eyes sparkle. She jolts and touches her nose gem softly.

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you." She murmurs. One of her hands pinches her cheeks and she laughs.

"Why is it always your gems that seduce others?" Yellow Diamond asks Blue with a raised brow.

"I suppose they learned it from me." Blue giggles. Blue Pearl nods with a blush.

"Those two are really good for eachother." Garnet smiles as she adjusts her glasses. Pearl hums as she watches Steven climb the shy fusion.

"This is reminds me of a meme."

"Amethyst you know we don't understand what that means."

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