Malaya Garnet

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Part of my Shayla Universe AU
'Narrator pov.'
Padparadscha was nearly shattered when she emerged. A gem that could only tell the past? What use could she have? Then the peridots tasked with shattering her had noticed her skill for telling them things no one had known. Like the locations of rebel bases. Even if the bases were empty by the time the soldiers got there, they were never thorough in cleaning up their information. So the off color gem had herself a place in Pink Diamond's court. Most gems found themselves quickly annoyed with the gem so she rarely found herself in good company. Mostly gems asking for embarrassing secrets about others in the court. Then came the day she was summoned to the sky arena. Pink had come visiting Blue's colony in hopes of helping to find the rebels plaguing her sister's new world. She called upon the small gem regularly to ask her about any rebels injured in past fights, and what tactics they had used so that they might prepare themselves for upcoming battles. Three rubies were assigned from Pink's own guard to watch over the gem. One with her gem upon her shoulder, one with her gem on her lower back, and one with a gem where her left eye should be.

"I hope we get to fight some rebels! I wanna punch them right in their traitorous faces." The one with her gem on her shoulder says.

"Oh yeah? I'm gonna punch them all over their hideous bodies, and then the rebellion will be over." The lower backed gem replies.

"I'm just gonna punch you!" The first Ruby growls as she hits her comrade.

"We'll punch them all together when we fuse. That's why there's three of us." Eyeball snarls.

"Three this!" Shoulder gem snickers as she punches her. Eyeball stumbles back and knocks into Padparadscha.

"I'm so sorry! L-let me uh-"

"Oh my! My guards are going to knock into me." Padparadscha predicts. The court gems roll their eyes as they turn away. The Rubies wait for their temporary master to give them an order.

"Wait here while I speak to our Diamond." She says after a moment.



"Yes." The small gem walks past them and into the pink Palanquin awaiting her. Padparadscha was called to Earth by Pink Diamond to be assured that the rebels would be captured. She enters the Palanquin and waits a moment before greeting the Diamond.

"Greetings your radiance. I have arrived to share with you my visions." She greets as she salutes the pink gem. Pink's white pearl gazes at her as she stands in front of the Diamond.

"Sapphire. Tell me the plans of the rebels." The Diamond pleads as she clasps her hands. Padparadscha is silent before giving her prediction quietly.

"Blue Moon Quartz and her Rebel Pearl have planned their attack mere moments from now. They plan to take out as many guards as necessary before attacking me. I spoke with Yellow Diamond's Sapphire, and she has confirmed that I will be shattered in the process." Padparadscha says quietly. Padparadscha knew she would be a casualty, but she was not upset. She had lived a longer life than she was ever meant to, and it had been filled with duty to her Diamond. She could ask for no more. Pink Diamond dismisses the small gem and she leaves after a moment. The Amethyst guards stare at her as she moves to stand beside her Ruby guards.

"This planet is lovely. I wish I could see more of it." Padparadscha says after a few minutes.

"I'll have some Amethyst guards prepare a tour." Eyeball says as she snaps to attention. Padparadscha stays silent before laughing quietly.

"I'm afraid that's not possible. But thank you for being such an excellent guard. I'm sure you'll do the best you can." Padparadscha says as she places a hand to Eyeball's arm.

"Pink Diamond! Leave this planet! This colony belongs to its natives!" A voice echoes over the arena. The Rubies group around Padparadscha as they look about.

"We are the Crystal Gems!" Two gems call as they appear.

"I predict the rebels will be here soon." Padparadscha sighs. Pink Diamond's Palanquin carries her away as the Rebel Pearl attacks her guards. Pink's pearl gazes back at her yellow counterpart as she and her Diamond escape the attack. No one sees her press a hand to the gem on her stomach as she watches the other Pearl fight. Padparadscha's Ruby guards fuse and roar as they run at Blue Moon Quartz. The rebel leader smirks before attacking them with her Scythes. She poofs the fusion before destroying the physical forms of Shoulder and Lower Back. Eyeball groans as she falls hard on the ground. She looks back and gasps as the Pearl approaches her Sapphire.

"I predict that the other Sapphire will be right, I'm afraid. Thank you, Ruby." Padparadscha sighs. Ruby realized that Padparadscha knew this was going to happen. That her guards would fail and the rebels would finally shatter the one responsible for their bases being raided. The Sapphire had accepted this, but Eyeball...could not!

"No!" Eyeball yells as she approaches the gems. The Pearl brings her hammer up and prepares to swing it down on the gem. Eyeball leaps to Padparadscha and they spin for a moment. Their forms glow as Eyeball wraps the gem in her arms. A new gem emerges, unsteady of her feet and eyes full of confusion.

"I...what is this. I can...see the present. I-" The fusion freezes as she sees the courts eyes on her. The Pearl shakes herself and prepares to attack once more. Blue Moon Quartz holds her back as she stares intently at the fusion. She gives them one last look before grabbing her Pearl and leaping away.

"I-" The fusion groans as her form dissipates. The two gems are thrown apart and hit the ground. The court around them murmurs angrily and words of disgust cut through the air. Pink Diamond' Palanquin approaches as she stares at them angrily.

"This isn't what you said would happen! They're still out there!" She rages as she glares down at Padparadscha. The small gem is staring at her hand and doesn't respond, even after several moments go by.

"It was my fault! I was trying to protect her." Eyeball says as she stands in front of Padparadscha.

"Obviously! How dare you do this-this unholy thing! Two gems of different types fusing...this is unheard of!" Pink sneers. Her Pearl watches with sorry eyes.

"The punishment for such an act is shattering! Your shards will be ground into dust." Pink shouts over the Ruby. Padparadscha jolts as she returns to reality. Two guards approach the Ruby and place their hands on her shoulders.

"I predict a beautiful Ruby will sacrifice herself." Padparadscha mumbles before grabbing Eyeball and running toward the edge of the Arena. Eyeball screams as they fall toward the surface of the planet.


*thousands of years later, in the present*

Malaya Garnet removes her lips from Shayla's forehead and the girl shivers.

"So that's how Eyeball and Padparadscha met? That's so romantic! I knew Eyeball had feelings!" She laughs teasingly. Malaya smiles as she rubs her hand gem.

"But wow, Pearl looked different. And mom, she didn't have her star tattoos yet!" Shayla says.

"They hadn't come up with the star insignia yet. When we came up with it, it took forever for Blue to decide to wear them as face tattoos instead of somewhere on her clothes. Liked the visibility." Malaya explains with a chuckle.

"This has been a great birthday present, but I'm a growing girl and I need sleep. Night guys." Shayla smiles as she cuddles back into her blankets. Malaya turns and her smile turns into a look of worry. Why can she never see Blue's life before Blue Diamond's shattering?

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