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Maxons POV
I wake up to Sophie's cry; yes I know my children's cries, they are all different. America and I have made it 3 months with these babies on our own. I gotta be honest, I'm surprised we did it. But I'm so glad we did. I go and walk over to Sophie's crib. I pick her up, and I instantly can smell the poopy diaper. "Well, looks like we got a stinker right here." I whisper to Hailey. I changer her diaper, then I rock her to sleep. I carefully lay her down in her crib. Fingers crossed she's good for the rest of the night. We've got 2 more hours. 2 more hours for possible sleep. I love my children, but I love sleep just as much.

I wake up with America in my arms. She looks so peaceful sleeping on my chest, she looks younger. I know being queen, and taking care of five babies really has taken a toll on her. But I couldn't think of anyone better to do it. She is my rock, if I didn't have her and these children, I would be a mess and this country would probably be non existent. I feel America stir, "Good morning my dear," I whisper in her ear.

"Don't call me your dear," she replies. I love that she has her feistiness even right after she just woke up.

"So, I was thinking. We should take the day off, and spend it with the quints."

"That sounds great!" America wraps me in a hug, "thank you Maxon!"

"Oh and another surprise"

"Ooo, what is it?"

"You'll have to wait and see."

We walk down to breakfast with Marlee and carter, carter offered to carry the extra baby carrier. So carter, America, and I carry two. And Marlee carries one. I mean come on, she just gave birth like what, 2 weeks ago? We walk into the breakfast hall and a maid pulls up two extra chairs and 2 extra high chairs for the woodworks. Marlee and America sit on one side, and carter and I on the other.
"So what was your first night with an infant like?" America asks Marlee and carter.

Marlee replies, "Well last night carter took care of both all night letting me sleep."

America replies back, "sounds familiar." She gives me a wink.

"So have you been blessed with any stink bombs yet?" I ask
Marlee replies, "thank goodness, none yet."

America replies back, "don't worry it'll happen soon, it's their way to show they love you!" Everyone laughs at that.

We all enjoy some long needed time together. It was really nice. While I like being a father, I also enjoy time to just talk with adults. And I mean it combines two of my favorite things; my children, and my friends. Carter and I have grown really close these past few months. It's nice having someone that's going through the same thing to talk to. Even if mine is on a larger scale.

I get up out of my seat and walk over to Marlee and America. "Excuse me Marlee, but I have a surprise to show my family. I then grab America's hand and start to guide her over to the door. We open it and there stands all of America's family. Her face lights up and she runs to hug may.

"May!" America squeals. She wraps her ina bone crushing hug.

I walk over to Gerad and kneel down to his eye level. "Hey sport, how ya doing?"

"Really good!" He replies, " mom let me join a baseball team, and I'm having so much fun!"

"That's great!" I reply, ". America and I will have to make sure to come and watch one of your games."

"Can we go play ball outside now?" He asks eagerly.

"No," his face falls, " but we will be able to after  I show America the surprise." I whisper what is into his ear, and he lights up. "I knew you would like it." I then ruffle up his hair then walk over to America.

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