Chapter 13

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Maxons POV
I set america down on the bed that's been prepared for her for the past 2 weeks. Dr.Ashlar comes in. "Alright so America, I believe your water broke with one of the babies, but to actually do the c-section. We need your water to break with at least 3. Which means you could be sitting here for 1-2 weeks just waiting for your c-section."

Oh no America would not like this. "Ok, welllll, could I possibly wait in my room?" America asks.

Dr.Ashlar replies, "I'm sorry, but no. We need to monitor you  at all times."

America nods in reply. "Alright America I'm going to go to my office for 15 minutes to set lady Brice to take over for the next 2 weeks until the babies are born." America squeezes my hand.

"Thank you Maxon." I give her a peck on the lips, then go to make sure the country doesn't fall apart while I'm here for my children's birth. I practically run up to my office. Lady Brice is there waiting for me.

"I believe you said you would be needing me?"

"Yes, here is the plan. I have some basic things you need to do. But all allies and enemies understand my wife is in labor, so right now I can't respond. And if they need anything to ask after they are born. Got it?"

"Got it!" She gives me a hug. Then whispers in my ear, "I can't wait to meet my new nieces and nephews." I hug her back.

"Thank you, you'll never know how much this means to me." Then I run back down to the hospital wing. America's in a hospital gown with lots of cords attached to her so they can monitor her and the babies. I walk over and sit in the chair next to America. I squeeze her hand, "how are you my dear."

"Well, the babies are only kicking about every 5 minutes." She replies. I give her a quick kiss. I sit there holding her hand for the next 4 hours. About every hour she would give my hand a good squeeze as a contraction came. The doctor said they would come and go until they were ready for the c-section.

———time skip (1 week)———
"Maxon!?"  America starts shaking me awake.

"Yes my dear?"

"I think my water broke for the third time." My eyes get wide. I run out and see a maid.

"Please go and get dr.Ashlar!" She gives me a nod and scurries of to wake him from his slumber. I walk back over to the hospital wing to be by America's side. "America, how are you feeling?"

"Um I'm kinda having contractions like every 5 minutes!" My eyes go wide again. That means the c-section will have to happen sooner then expected.

Then Dr.Ashlar walks in, "Hello your majesties, is everything all right?"

"Um.......well........kinda.......sorta" He gives me a confused look, "America's water broke again." And before I know it the nurses have came in and wished America away.

Hope y'all enjoyed! We are 2 away from 100 views! Can we reach a goal of 115 by next week! Please vote and comment! I want your opinion on what should happen next!

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