Chapter 6

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Hey guys! I was able to move the chapters around so that they would be I order! Thanks for understanding! I want to thank you so much for 25 views! I know it's not that much, but since I'm new, this totally blows my mind! Enjoy this long awaited chapter!


I wake up. Thank goodness that dream is over.
"America sweetie are you ok?"
"Yeah Maxon, just another bad dream." He wraps one of his strong arms around me and smoothly smothers (assonance) me with kisses.
"Are you sure my dear?" He whispers, "I'm here if you need me."
Ok fine I give in. "No maxon, I'm not. I'm not ok." I sob into his shoulder.

America's point of view
"Maxon, I've been having nightmares of the past few nights. And they're really scaring me."

"Alright my dear? What are they about?"

"Before I tell you I don't know what they mean or why I'm having them."

"America, it's ok. You can tell me anything. I won't get mad at you, you can't control your dreams."

" Ok, well her we go. The first dream I woke up and you were beside me in bed, normal. So I gave you a kiss and walked to go to the bathro-"

"America, I'm sorry but I don't see how this is scary, it sounds like normal life."

"Let me finish.." I give Maxon a playful glare. " Again, I gave you a kiss and walked to the bathroom, except the bathroom wasn't there. And neither were our pictures, and when I walked into the hallway there weren't pictures of anyone in the royal family. And the rugs were worn down. But before I could really look closely at a picture, I heard a baby cry. I was really confused because we decided to wait to have kids. But I figured I should probably look. And when I walked in the baby was a boy and looked almost exactly like aspen." My face went pale as a gulped, and Maxon pulled me closer trying to comfort me. "And that's when I put it together, I was married to aspen." I Then start bawling into Maxon's shoulder. Maxon rubs my back comforting me in a tight hug. I couldn't bare the thought of not being in Maxon's arms, and calling him my husband.

"Shhh America, it was just a dream. I'm here, your married to me. Your safe it'll be ok. If this dream scared you this much maybe today we should stay in the cottage and have a lazy day."

"Maxon that sounds great!" I reply, "but I'm not done, I had that dream 2 days ago, I didn't tell you about the one last night."

" Ok dear please tell me."

"So I woke up and you weren't next me, I assumed that you were in an early morning meeting, I figured I would see you at breakfast. So I went to the door that connects our 2 rooms, but it wasn't there." I start to silently cry again, and maxon pulls me closer to him. " and then Aspen came up me and kissed me on the head and said" I take a deep breath I didn't want to say it " He said ' Mer, the baby's crying, you should probably go check on Maxon.'"  Maxon's jaw dropped. Then I just started to bawl my eyes out, I couldn't do it.

"Its all right my dearest, you are here with me now. And I promise we won't name our kids after your ex boyfriend." He gets a slight chuckle out of me from that.

"Alright let me finish, so I reply with a kinda weak yup. And Aspen replies to that by saying it was probably" I take a quick pause. " Morning sickness." Maxon pulls me as close as possible rubbing my back. Which makes me feel a lot better. " Alright here's the ending, I look at the baby and it looks only a few months old, and I'm pregnant, which means that I'll have 2 babies essentially. And I know that's it how we would have done it. And I knew I couldn't handle it, so I crawled in a corner crying your name, because you were what I needed."

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