Chapter Twenty Two

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The full moon came and went and Shannon used the time she had to herself to get on with the task Alissa had set for her. A letter had come just before Christmas, while she was away with Remus, asking that if she had kept the letters spanning the years and growth of Alissa’s family, she please send them back. It was to be a gift to Irma, to read the stories of her great-grandchildren being born and growing up in a cave outside of Bulgaria. The request made it seem as though Irma might not have much time, so Shannon worked quickly, digging out all the letters and scanning to be sure they were in order.

One letter seemed to be missing, so she searched everywhere for the one she received just before they left for the Bed and Breakfast, the one explaining Irma’s story. She knew she hadn’t thrown it in the fire, she had only ever burned one of the letters and that was one telling her not to get involved with Remus… which in hindsight might have been good advice. Not that any of it mattered now; it just seemed odd for the letter to be missing. She was usually so careful and kept things in order, a bit obsessive compulsive some might (and did) say but that had been the day the cloak arrived and then she had to pack up quickly to leave. Maybe she had accidentally packed it or left it lying on the bed and the elf had tidied it up. She made a mental note to find out from Remus which elf had been watching her room.

 Deciding Alissa didn’t need that particular letter back anyways, she went ahead and wrote her own explaining her Christmas vacation at Maddie’s breeder’s farm and gifts she had received from Remus as well as events that had happened since including Moss’s crazy attack and the fact that Severus was going to be published in some wizard’s medical journal for work on werewolf related potions. Wishing everyone well and hoping for good news regarding Irma, Shannon took her large package of letters up to the Owlery where Matilda had been waiting since dropping off the request from Alissa.

It was the day before New Year’s which fell on a Friday night and probably had many students and teachers alike complaining that they wouldn’t get an extended weekend before start of next term. The train and brooms full of students coming back from holidays would start arriving Sunday morning and they would jump right back into a full class schedule. Remus had passed through the month’s change with just a little more ease than before due to Severus’s potions but he was still rather worn out so Shannon was letting him have his rest to ensure he would be ready to celebrate the New Year with her.

He also had other things to worry about for the time being; the news of Harry’s Firebolt had passed around the staff still at the school and plans were made for everyone to have a go at it, checking for hexes and running it through jinx tests. As the current Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Remus was expected to have first look at it for any obvious signs of dark magic before passing it over to Professor Flitwick and Madam Hooch who would take it apart and examine every piece for charms and for safety. Shannon had been called to Dumbledore’s office and escorted there by Severus but refused to say anything but that the teachers would do the right thing and it would work out in the end. Severus was furious and Dumbledore silent but accepting; par for the course when dealing with both wizards.

She brought herself back to the present looking down across the snow covered grounds, so pristine under the blanket of white and took in Hagrid’s home. There was a small trickle of smoke coming out of the chimney and all the windows were bright. The trip with Remus had interrupted her plans to go see Hagrid who she knew was very upset over the news he received on Buckbeak’s hearing. It had crossed her mind a few times since arriving back at the school but the feeling that she had been a terrible friend and was too late to be there at the time he had really needed someone, kept her from showing up at his door. For a time she had hoped she might come across him at the school and get a feel for how he was doing but he hadn’t been around at all.

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